My Recent Stack
Hi guys,
Just wanted to share a pretty good stack I have been on for a few weeks now with great results. I’m fuller all the time, especially my glans. It’s like I have a 30% erection almost all the time and he gets to 100% at the drop of a hat.
First things first, liquid cialis. Nothing works as good, and if you search for liquid cialis and throw in the word peptide, you will find liquid cialis at 30ml and 30mg per ml. That works out to a daily dose of 5mg for 180 days or 6 months for like $35 bucks. Basically what I’m saying is a year supply of daily liquid cialis is $70. No brainer.
The next two supps have boosted my 5mg daily cialis so it feels like I’m taking 20mg. They are pretty cheap also so it’s another easy decision.
First one is L-citruline. I got a bottle where the serving size is 1500mg and it’s 2 caps. 180 caps in the bottle so a bottle is a 3 month supply. Cost on Amazon was $14 bucks. This one I noticed I could load it, similar to how one loads creatine. So I took two morning and two night caps until I essentially had what I can only describe as a niacin like flush. This to me was extremely solid proof that this was working because nitric oxide dilates fine blood vessels. Taking a high dose of niacin will also extremely dilate small blood vessels giving you red itchy skin and a feeling of a moderate sun burn for like an hour. The l-citruline gave me a more mild “flushing” event but it lasted for like 6 hours. Once I dropped back to once per day, no more flushing effect and monster boners.
The other supp is just beet root powder. A roughly 280 supply is about $22. There are two main pathways to increase nitric oxide production in the body, L-citruline takes advantage of one of the pathways while beet root takes advantage of the other “nitrate” pathway. It’s super easy to take, at least I have found a way to make it easy to take. My daily routine includes taking creatine, celery seed, boron and a mushroom powder blend. None of these mix well in liquid and none of them taste particularly good. My secret weapon is v8 juice. It’s thick and strong tasting and I happen to really like v8 to begin with. But the strong flavor and very thick consistency really hides and dare I say even compliments some of the powders all while keeping them suspended evenly so you don’t have a lot of gritty powder at the bottom of the glass. I use a little hand stirer thing that really mixes the powders in well and now I just throw in the beet powder and it’s definitely helped keep my guy hard.
Just wanted to share, hope this helps some of you who don’t have a supplement regimen dialed in yet.