As a female, granted I don’t suffer from ED, however, I do suffer from a loss of libdo. Mine left years ago and is slowly coming back around due to the help of certian meds. I take Wellbutrin and Estratest together, and it helps.
Wellbutrin is a mild antidepressant which will also act as a libdo booster (the sales rep was right). I had been taking paxil and like NO sex drive whatsoever. Man that sucked, not only for me but for my partner.
Talk to your doctor, and if necessary, as weird as this sounds, look to alternative medicene such as oriental or reflexology (not blowing my own horn here ok). There could be underlying problems that your western doctor is missing. The alternatives are not cheap, but………. Western doctors view the body as pieces parts instead of a whole, whereas oriental doctors look at the whole, and not pieces parts. Besides, mixing certian meds can be dangerous, your pharamicist should be an active part of all of this. Viagra can have some nasty assed side effects that in the long run cause more problems than it helps. I am not against anyone taking it when it helps, but I want them to be aware of the possiblities of unwanted side effects. One of the guys did make a good point, and I am going to repeat it, YOU and only you are in charge of your body, the doctor is only as good as the information you give him/her. The more information and concerte information you can give your practioneer the better they can treat you. They call it practicing medicene for a reason you know, they don’t have all of the answers. Good luck to you.