Thunder's Place

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Male nipple Sensitivity/ Stimulation--Better and Quicker Erections

My nipples have been super sensitive since my twenties. I play with em when I jack off and love it when my wife plays with em with her hands and sucks em. I am very wired for nipple stimulation.


Beginning stats 3/2010: BPEL: 6" Flaccid: 3.5" Erect Girth: 5.25

Stats as of 9/2022: BPEL: 8" Flaccid: 7" Flaccid Girth: 5.25 Erect Girth: 6 5/8"

My nips are also hard-wired to my penis. Playing with them, the harder the better, really gets me off.. Having a hot mouth sucking or chewing on them makes me explode. As to stimulating them, working them with hands is number 1. I have also used snake bite kit and pumping. The “supple nips” mentioned by peforeal are fantastic. They can be worn all day and really enlarge the nips. The regular size is great for wearing under shirts. The larger “nip” is great for nipple enlargement. I wear them as often as possible.

Nipple stimuation is one of the doorways to male multiple orgasms.

They can generate prostate orgasms which are dry but heavenly. Prostate orgasms can go on for minutes.

Google prostate orgasms and you just might start a new frontier of your life as a man solo and in sex.

Nipples rock

Late Magic

Thanks for this Thread and to its contributors. Appreciating and using nipple stimulation has come to me late in life. The more its activity is engaged in, the more powerful the connection with penis, testes, erotic center situated between scrotum and anus, and reaches far into the body, as, for example, legs and feet. Personally, “torture” was entirely unnecessary. Sensitivity developed by use. I perceive that the center of male Eros is the pectoral with it quintessence, the nipple. I experience that the nipple of the left resonates with and activates that side of the body and vice versa for the right. That nipple is more sensitive of the two, for which I cannot account.


You and I are alike and I bet all guys into nipple stimulation have this right and left hemispheric division with the right nipple upping sensation on the right side of the body and the left nipple doing the same to the left side of the body.

I can up arousal, erectile quality, and pleasure by switching back and forth to each nipple and allowing the pleasure to build as I edge. It gets to the place my entire groin is lit up with pleasure as I edge. Very very enjoyable especially in an aging male body ……

Unlike you, my right nipple is more erogenous and I too cant account for the discrepancy and difference.

My nipples are a no touch zone. They’re very sensitive. Licking is OK but nothing else!

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

I though then the pierced nipples lose their sensitivity. It is really a good method to stimulate sexual desire and genital arousal!

I’m going to try it… :D

Creciendo día a día... en todos los sentidos :D

I stimulate the right nipple then the left, sometimes both at the same time although I try to limit it just to one at a time.


Well let me tell you, mine are WIRED! Just having water pass over them in the shower is a turn on.

What feel best to me is lightly caressing from the underside moving upward or just placing the fingertip lightly on the center of the nipple and moving in a circular motion.

I would say that except for orgasm itself, my nipples give me as much pleasure as my penis. It’s a different sort of pleasure though. Penis pleasure feels really good in the groin but nipple pleasure feels good in my nipples, sends pleasure to my groin and effects my brain in a big way. Nipple pleasure is like being on some sort of drug. My mind goes wild and I lose all sexual inhibition. You could get me to do almost anything sexual so long as I was under the influence of nipple stimulation.

Nipple stimulation intensifies penis pleasure many times over. Having my nipples and penis simultaneously stimulated is pleasure out of this world. I feel sorry for any man without sexually sensitive nipples. I wouldn’t want it any other way. Not having sensitive nipples would be like losing two thirds of my sexual pleasure.

I was playing with my nipples the first time I ejaculated and have been doing it ever since. There’s so many ways to lose yourself in wave after wave of physical bliss. After 20 years I still find new ways to derive pleasure. When my husband pays them attention with any part of his body, I get lost in a lustful haze as time stands still.

Multiple orgasms from nipple stimulation? Yes, please!

Nipple stimulation also helps me with AM when I am pushing through the PE sets. My whole body throbs and I almost lose track of time per set.

Bravo and Bravo to you Brad and MB.

I only hope my nipple become as great as yours in generators of male arousal and pleasure

Any comments on how to make them even more erogenous? I would like to get to the body throbbing you describe Brad or the shower water hitting them you describe MB.

Lets hear more about working our nipples as men.

Recently started experimenting with nipple play a bit, and I definitely seem to be ‘wired’ for it.

Just the light experimentation I’ve been doing over this past week has increased sensitivity a bit, which is pretty amazing in itself, and it really seems to trigger a lot of sexual energy all over.

Unfortunately, my nipples are kinda small and inverted a bit at times, so I went ahead with ordering a pair of supple nips, since they seem to be so recommended, and hopefully I can see a bit of improvement in that area, as well as a lot of enjoyment.

A half marathon would be a totally new experience with really sensitive nipples that caused erections. :D

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat

A half marathon would be a totally new experience with really sensitive nipples that caused erections. :D

Ha ha,

I used to put band aids over my nipples during half marathons and marathons.It was not a good look to see guys out there running with blood seeping through there singlets from there nipples chaffing that bad.

Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.


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