Originally Posted by AndyJ
https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-06-evidence-testosterone-treatment-cardiovascular-events.html#!Article about a paper in a “The Lancet” sub-journal that says, after actually looking at the data, men on testosterone replacement therapy not only died at half the rate of men who were given a placebo, but had better HDL, LDL numbers, lower blood pressure, and fewer instances of diabeters than the control group.
Do you specifically refer to TRT or exogenous testosterone in general?
TRT is given at relatively low doses, so it is expected you live longer and get better from it, that’s why they do it. You lack the T to be at good health. There are abusers of it, that use more than physiologically needed, and those are the ones at risk.
Exogenous testosterone (“gear”) also bares risks, because most, if not all, aim for supra-physiological of it, which leads to the detrimental effects.
All in all, you won’t suffer from a healthy range in testosterone and might only have detrimental effects, if taken in large quantities (far) above the normal range. If your body naturally puts you above the normal range, it’s healthy, too.
7th June 2022: EG 5.2”/ 13.2 cm, BPEL 6.7”/ 17 cm, 14 cm NBPEL, 4”/ 10 cm flaccid.
Current: EG 5.2”/ 13.2 cm, BPEL 7.0”/ 17.8 cm, 14.5 cm NBPEL.