Porn Free for 42 Days!
A while ago I made the decision to go porn free. I had been looking at porn in some form or another since I was 12 (I’m 30) and was experiencing severe porn-induced ED. Numerous starts and stops later, I finally feel like it has stuck, and am now on day 42 of my journey back to being able to get non-pharmaceutically induced erections.
For those of you who are struggling to do the same thing (and I know there are a lot of you) I just thought I would share a few tips that might be of use:
1) Downgrade your smart-phone to a regular flip phone. You won’t be able to access the internet so you’ll have one less avenue to look at porn.
2) Install NetNanny or some other porn-blocking device on your computer. I know my password (haven’t given it to anyone else, or had anyone else set it up for me) but just having that extra screen pop up requesting a password has been enough to twice kill my temptation. That split second can be the complete difference between constant relapse and a successful porn-detox.
3) Stop coming to Thunders… for a while. This is the first time I’ve been back to Thunders in 42 days and I think it has helped with not looking at porn. People post a lot of porn-type pictures here and links to videos, so by avoiding Thunders I’ve avoided the temptation to click on the pics/links. Now that I have a little more self control I plan on slowly re-introducing myself to Thunders. And, like old Playboy readers used to say, I’ll read it for the articles.
4) Cool it with PE for a while, especially if it is associated with porn use. Since you’re going to want to avoid situations that make you want to return to the habit of looking at porn, stop PEing for a month or so. Think of it as a nice time for a decon break.
5) Get the hell off your computer and go live your life. Go outside, go to the gym, go to a bar and socialize… anything to get away from your computer.
The difference between how I feel now and 42 days ago is remarkable. I sleep through the night to wake up to the type of morning wood that could cut a diamond. I’m in a better mood. I’m less socially awkward. I feel better about myself. I’m more productive. I go to the gym. The list goes on and will only continue to grow the further I get away from my previous porn habit.
Sorry if it seems like I am on a soapbox, but obviously I’m very passionate about this and, to some degree, proud of myself for making it this far and striving to keep going with this.
Now, on to day 43!
Start/April 2011: BPEL - 6.75" / NBPEL - 6.00" / BEG - 5.125 / Mid Shaft - 4.75 / Glans 4.5"
Current/August 8 2011: BPEL 7.25" / NBPEL - 6.375" / BEG - 5.625" / Mid Shaft - 5.00" / Glans - 4.875"
Goals: NBPEL - 8.25" / Mid Shaft EG - 6.00"