Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Viagra in my pee hole


But again, Gladiator, why would you want to administer the Viagra in that way when, as avocet8 wrote, “You have to keep in mind that drugs are “designed” to become effective in specific ways. Viagra is designed to be taken orally”

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Think this out for a minute, Gladiator.

The lining of the urethra is delicate and needs to maintain a certain chemical balance in order to be an effective conduit for both urine and semen.

Viagra is well known to cause serious acid reflux in some users. Do you really want to shove as anything as caustic as that down your urethra?

MUSE, which is even designed for urethral insertion, is composed of alprostadil and often very painful in itself. My urologist won’t even prescribe it for this reason, and the fact that it isn’t that effective as an erectile agent. He had a patient show up in the ER because his cock felt it was somehow on fire. Ouch!



Excuse me, but what?

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

As I have said before, some of you guys act as if you have a spare cock to get out once you’ve damaged the one you normally use…

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Grinding up and only using a tiny sprinkle seems to work well.

Viagra works just fine when taken orally. No need to improve on a good thing.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by avocet8

You have to keep in mind that drugs are “designed” to become effective in specific ways. Viagra is designed to be taken orally whereas MUSE is designed to be inserted in the urethra. Viagra is a PDE5. Muse is almost pure alprostadil. MUSE did not become popular because it has some nasty side effects for a lot of men - one a severe burning sensation in the penis as it dissolves; nor did it work well on many users.

I would have to agree with this post I have never heard that Viagra has any type of effect other then taken orally you would probably have better results if you inserted it in your rectum as a suppository then if you applied it in your urethra.

There is a fetish where sticking something in your hole can bring you to orgasm.
It’s called “sounding.” I saw a video if this and it is gross. I would rather sit through all 5 Saw movies.

It is extremely unhealthy and dangerous to stick things down your hole unless it is medically necessary such as a catheter. Doing so can cause damage to your urethra, defeating the purpose of trying to make it bigger.

I would not brag about having an erection for 4-5 hours. How painful and damaging to your penis.


The great elm.

Originally Posted by marky777

As I have said before, some of you guys act as if you have a spare cock to get out once you’ve damaged the one you normally use…

Thanks, that’s one of the funniest things I’ve read in a while.

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.

Just take the pill man “Just take the Pill” :-)

I Have To Chip In On This Old Thread


I hope that people see this, despite the thread being so old!

I can confirm, that a small amount of finely ground Viagra, inserted into the urethra, either just in the top or as I prefer a couple of inches in, is extremely effective. I use a clean straw, wiped with an alcohol wipe. Carefully insert it into the urethra, pour in the finely powdered Viagra (about 1/6 of a 50mg pill), and then I slowly tap the straw as I extract it. Leave it a while while you have a nice, large drink. Stimulate yourself if you wish, and I then usually go for a long pee about an hour later. This method produces big, hard erections which are perfect for your preferred PE methods. Apply some heat to really move into maximum territory.

A previous reply mentioned Sounding - getting pleasure from inserting things into the urethra. I do this, using sounding rods, and that may mean that I’m less bothered by things in my urethra. Just make sure you always adhere to strict cleaning procedures. Anything going in there should be CLEAN. And with regards to crushed Viagra, when you are clearly experiencing the effects, have a good long pee to flush it out. A full bladder at the end of a sounding session is very helpful for cleaning out, just in case.

Sounding and limited Viagra use are both parts of my successful PE experience. I’ve been doing PE on and off for about 12 years. I don’t know what my starting girth was but my BPEL was 6” when I started and now it’s 7.5” with 5.25” girth. I’m not quite finished yet but am very happy with my progress. If I decided to really get into it again then I’m in no doubt that 8x6” or larger would be achievable.

Cheers all.

PS. I like this method because it uses much less Viagra, I don’t get any digestive issues, face flushing or anything else. Just go easy on the amount you use.

Last edited by Jocketh : 02-24-2023 at .

Simulate Megalophallus by erecting for a long time, which has no practical effect on penis enlargement. I remember that DLD and some predecessors did this experiment on another website 20 years ago, and the conclusion was invalid.

However, it may have some auxiliary effects on PE. Especially for those with poor EQ, improving EQ will increase the efficiency of jelqing and clamping.


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