Thunder's Place

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Soreness and Rest

Soreness and Rest

I’ve been at the jelq-free routine (squeezes and stretches) for about 2 weeks (9 sessions, 2 days on, 1 off). About 3 sessions ago, I got some soreness/aching that has diminished a bit, but continues. I took off yesterday and decided to take off today as well — my first break of more than one day in weeks. I haven’t measured, but my dick still seems fuller than normal. My question is this: should I continue to rest until soreness completely goes away? How long of a rest should I take before I risk losing any gains I may have made? Anybody have similar experience, who can give me some advice. Thanks in advance.


If you dick is sore rest I and many others have found that you sometimes get more with less as far as jelqing and squeezes go.
I have gotten my best gains after a rest period I try to rest at least 4 days to a week. This is day 4 of a rest and my dick feels much better I keep on getting fluffed at the slightest thing.

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