Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dyson 4000

The only thing is the device looks like a legit PE device. That is the only part that makes me wonder. But if it was legit even a year or 2 ago I would swear that someone here would have heard about it.

Xeno how did you find the Dsyon site?

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

It was a deep google effort bh; started with “tunica deformation”…don’t know how many twists and turns brought me to the Dyson 4000.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

The footer is claiming copyright since 2008, but this is the first I’ve heard of it.

Looks like something one might find doing a search for “steam-punk penis enlargement”.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

To me it is an impressive looking piece of hardware. Plus someone put some good effort into the website. I am wondering if that device had some other application and the guy is using the image to be a PE device.

It is a mystery.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

Originally Posted by cantlook
The footer is claiming copyright since 2008, but this is the first I’ve heard of it.

Looks like something one might find doing a search for “steam-punk penis enlargement”.

Haha totally steam punk PE! They should throw a couple cogs and smoke stacks in for good measure.

Also, does the sting pull instead of push in that design, because that is what it looks like.

Originally Posted by rootsnatty
Also, does the sting pull instead of push in that design, because that is what it looks like.

The more I look at it I realize how ingenious it is. It pushes into the pubic bone above the root and the multiple scissors mechanism appears to anchored just in front of the base pad. As you screw the knob at the front the scissors open up and each section (ie between the clamps) gets an equal stretch. Anyway that’s how I guess it works based on the pics.

The suggestion of using at night may be because of its lack of stealth and the designer or marketer may not be aware of the dangers of sleeping with one on.

My guess is some venture capitalist has the rights to the patent and has set up the web page to put a toe in the water to see if it gets a positive reaction. That would explain why the order function does not work and why no one has seen one. Probably not in production. Suspect it won’t be cheap if eventually is produced.

However I like the design of the clamp and wonder if we could make something similar to fit a standard extender?

To me it is not a scam. The advertised results are more believable than andropenis, and andropenis has been proven medically to work.

Has anybody tried to send a mail?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by austfred
The more I look at it I realize how ingenious it is. It pushes into the pubic bone above the root and the multiple scissors mechanism appears to anchored just in front of the base pad. As you screw the knob at the front the scissors open up and each section (ie between the clamps) gets an equal stretch. Anyway that’s how I guess it works based on the pics.

The suggestion of using at night may be because of its lack of stealth and the designer or marketer may not be aware of the dangers of sleeping with one on.

My guess is some venture capitalist has the rights to the patent and has set up the web page to put a toe in the water to see if it gets a positive reaction. That would explain why the order function does not work and why no one has seen one. Probably not in production. Suspect it won’t be cheap if eventually is produced.

However I like the design of the clamp and wonder if we could make something similar to fit a standard extender?

Ya I get that, but it works by stretching the spring longer than its resting length so it pulls back in?

Originally Posted by rootsnatty
Ya I get that, but it works by stretching the spring longer than its resting length so it pulls back in?

Roots. by turning the screw you are are in effect flattening the scissors and increasing the distance from the base to the front clamp so you are applying a stretching force just like a slider extender. I do not see any springs. The only difference is that each penis segment between clamps is having a similar stretch applied. Or am I missing something?

You guys are cracking me up, it’s nonsense !

Just think about the mechanics of it, for a start the rings have very limited range of adjustment so the chances of them getting a good grip are slim.

Then what happens as you stretch your flaccid ? It gets thinner, so what happens to the grip then ?

Also if they start off next to each other and do actually get a good hold what do you think will happen ?

And the base part that pushes against the groin is a farce, would never work unless you sat holding the thing constantly at 90 degrees, would just fall over.

So how much does the “cock coffin” cost. ha ha ha. It looks kinda cumbersome

I think I am seeing it the same way as rootsnatty, the spiral looking part, not as a thread, but as a spring slid over a rod that runs the whole length of the device. The only way that would work is, as you said, was using the spring to pull instead of push, unless the scissor mechanism has spring to it as well and the long spring restricts it.

All that theorizing about its mechanics aside, judging by the images, I don’t think it has gone beyond the digital prototype stage and I agree with capernicus1 in that don’t think in the real world it would actually function the way its design seems to imply it should.

Put a boxing glove on the end and with the right adjustment of the spring you can use it to catch a roadrunner.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by capernicus1

You guys are cracking me up, it’s nonsense !

Just think about the mechanics of it, for a start the rings have very limited range of adjustment so the chances of them getting a good grip are slim.

Then what happens as you stretch your flaccid ? It gets thinner, so what happens to the grip then ?

Also if they start off next to each other and do actually get a good hold what do you think will happen ?

And the base part that pushes against the groin is a farce, would never work unless you sat holding the thing constantly at 90 degrees, would just fall over.

I agree! The mechanics of this “prototype” is non-functional! But, that’s one way a developer can see if he’s going in the right direction!

"Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn't seem quite so funny" - Jack Handey


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