Non posso fare a meno di leggere “il tuo sogno” in firma.
Ma levami una curiosità: metti che per disgrazia ci arrivi, poi che cosa te ne fai?? Non riusciresti nemmeno più a scopare!
Il miglior sito per l'ingrandimento pene e la salute sessuale maschile è gratis. Per menti critiche.
Starting at: 7"-18cm BPEL x 5.1"-13cm EG with a big downward curve (measure taken with much pain straightening the penis... Measured following the curve is 6/10"-1,5cm more)
Desired measures: 9"-23cm BPEL x 6.5-16,5cm EG the most straightened possible.
And then? In my dreams 12.25"-31cm BPEL x 8"-20cm EG, ahahaha... But this is only a personal fantasy and surely even very uncomfortable to manage...
Starting at: 7"-18cm BPEL x 5.1"-13cm EG with a big downward curve (measure taken with much pain straightening the penis... Measured following the curve is 6/10"-1,5cm more)
Desired measures: 9"-23cm BPEL x 6.5-16,5cm EG the most straightened possible.
And then? In my dreams 12.25"-31cm BPEL x 8"-20cm EG, ahahaha... But this is only a personal fantasy and surely even very uncomfortable to manage...
Starting at: 7"-18cm BPEL x 5.1"-13cm EG with a big downward curve (measure taken with much pain straightening the penis... Measured following the curve is 6/10"-1,5cm more)
Desired measures: 9"-23cm BPEL x 6.5-16,5cm EG the most straightened possible.
And then? In my dreams 12.25"-31cm BPEL x 8"-20cm EG, ahahaha... But this is only a personal fantasy and surely even very uncomfortable to manage...
Start (1/6/15): 17x14 cm NBPEL (senza premere con il metro)
Now (1/6/16): NBPEL 18,5x15 cm // BPEL 21x15 cm
Goal: 19x15.5 cm NBPEL
What is doing PE right? Getting the proper stimulation to recovery ratio. The other critical factor is: if you get vastly improved EQ, your chances of growth are far better! (cit. sparkyx) Warning! If you haven't gotten improved erections:
22,3 Nbp
17,4 Eg
24,2 Bp