Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Giving chemical PE a try

Thanks, Andy. I am planning on using sleeves and my TM caps for glans expansion only. I’m thinking a few hours a day like this will keep my glans conditioned and might have an impact on glans size. If it doesn’t then no big deal.

I also came across a post on another forum about a technique that a guy said he got results with using just a short segment of sleeve and a mild constriction ring for all day wear. He claims to have gotten an increase with all day wear after just a month, which he quantified by noticing the ring getting more and more challenging to put on over time.

I’m not sure if his results are reproducible but I figured it’s easy enough to incorporate to give it a try. I was planning on reporting back if it seemed to work at all.

Rock out with your cock out!

Could you sum up your journey in a paragraph? Include gain statistics, what worked well for you, and key tips for beginners to get gains

Originally Posted by Klehman
Could you sum up your journey in a paragraph? Include gain statistics, what worked well for you, and key tips for beginners to get gains

If you mean with chem PE it’s a long and complicated story that evolved a lot over these first 6 months. So while I realize my thread is long (and I tend to be a long-winded poster) if you really are interested I think the best thing is to read over the thread and see how it’s unfolded so far. That’s part of why I started and maintained the thread—as a document for myself and for anyone else who might be interested. I’m happy to answer specific questions directly that aren’t clear from the thread if you PM but the general stuff is all here and for it I’ll refer you to the thread.

Essentially chem PE is a supplement to some kind of typical PE regimen so while it may have an effect I don’t think it is primary or even necessary.

I’m still not sure if the gains I’ve made on this foray are related to the just to the PE efforts or if the chems played a significant role. I do know I’ve gone past my previous max sizes from prior forays so that is something to consider. I think it has been a help but its hard to quantify how much. As such, I’m not necessarily a proponent of injections. But if you are interested to experiment then I think it is worth a try if you are clear-headed about the risks and challenges.

Otherwise I’m currently doing length and girth work along the lines of everyone else: hanging, extending a bit, pumping and clamping.

Since I started this round of PE I’ve gone from (based on my last official measurement):
BPEL: 7.75" to 8.54"
MEG: 5.5" to 6"
Base girth: 6.1" to 7.0"

I am now on a 1 month decon and I expect to lose a little of each dimension since I’ve been going pretty hard and even my measurement days are only 24 hours after last session.

Rock out with your cock out!

Thank you for the insight. I haven’t look at all the posts in the thread so I will have to go back and read them. I am currently trying to make gains by hanging and pumping. If you have any tips or know the best way to go about the two, that would be great information. Thank you for your contribution on this website!

Originally Posted by Klehman
Thank you for the insight. I haven’t look at all the posts in the thread so I will have to go back and read them. I am currently trying to make gains by hanging and pumping. If you have any tips or know the best way to go about the two, that would be great information. Thank you for your contribution on this website!

Tip number 1:

Don’t ask someone to summarize a thread. Just read the thread. If it is too long then perhaps you aren’t really interested. If you have questions after reading the thread a couple of times, then go ahead and ask about specifics. An educated question is always appreciated and happily answered.

Tip number 2:

Big, general questions like "any tips on pumping or hanging" tend to be ignored or redirected. Most people are eager to help but everyone appreciates someone who has done their own leg work first.

There is over 20 years of experience on this board so lots of learning has already been shared. If you want a shortcut on what to do (other than the many threads that are labeled "Start here" or "PE technique basics"—such as pumping or clamping— you can certainly pay a PE coach since there are some guys out there who you can hire on other websites. But if you are willing to spend some time on your own reading the forum you can figure most of what you want out with what is already here, offered for free.

In sum:

The forum is literally all about what you are seeking. So please do spend some time looking around, researching what you are interested in learning about and getting some experience. Then if you have specific questions consider either starting a thread about your specific question in the appropriate sub forum or do a search on the topic, as almost everything imaginable has been discussed many, many times.

These approaches are the best way to get answers.

Please don’t take this as a slight on you but just some friendly advice about how to thrive in this community, which is filled with experience and supportive members.

Good luck in your journey.

Rock out with your cock out!

Good advice.

I think really it comes down to 2 things
1. Do it for a lifestyle (years)
2. Do it daily

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

Congrats on the gains. I’ve been following you for a while. Thanks for your recommendations you sent me earlier too.

Originally Posted by Jojo84
Congrats on the gains. I’ve been following you for a while. Thanks for your recommendations you sent me earlier too.

Thanks, Jojo.

Just about wrapping up a decon period, so hopefully haven’t lost too much and will keep going past the old numbers.

Rock out with your cock out!

Decon break officially over

After a 4 week decon my measurements are:

BPFSL: 8 5/8" (down from 9")
BPEL: 8 3/8" (down from 8.54")
MEG: 6" (no change)
Scar EG: 5 7/8" (down from 6")
base EG: 7 1/4" (increase from 7")

So the small decrement in size seems about right for a 4 week break. I’ve done some relatively light pumping a few times a week most weeks which might explain the relative stability in girth and the small increase in base girth.

I’ve also injected Trimix a few times for an extra bit of fun in the bedroom, but nothing that went on for more than a couple of hours and without doing girth work while using it.

Starting today I’m back on a routine. My plan is to start low with hanging weight and shoot for elongation rates between 2% and 3%. We’ll see whether the decon break results in some new momentum in length gains.

I’ll update stats either at the end of this month or just wait until April 1 depending on whether or not there is something to report after just a couple of weeks back in the routine.

Rock out with your cock out!

Great thread.

Wow.this is promising. I’ve been using Trimix for about 3 years and I need to start my journey with PE using this. These gains since using your Trimix protocol is amazing.

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
If you mean with chem PE it’s a long and complicated story that evolved a lot over these first 6 months. So while I realize my thread is long (and I tend to be a long-winded poster) if you really are interested I think the best thing is to read over the thread and see how it’s unfolded so far. That’s part of why I started and maintained the thread—as a document for myself and for anyone else who might be interested. I’m happy to answer specific questions directly that aren’t clear from the thread if you PM but the general stuff is all here and for it I’ll refer you to the thread.

Essentially chem PE is a supplement to some kind of typical PE regimen so while it may have an effect I don’t think it is primary or even necessary.

I’m still not sure if the gains I’ve made on this foray are related to the just to the PE efforts or if the chems played a significant role. I do know I’ve gone past my previous max sizes from prior forays so that is something to consider. I think it has been a help but its hard to quantify how much. As such, I’m not necessarily a proponent of injections. But if you are interested to experiment then I think it is worth a try if you are clear-headed about the risks and challenges.

Otherwise I’m currently doing length and girth work along the lines of everyone else: hanging, extending a bit, pumping and clamping.

Since I started this round of PE I’ve gone from (based on my last official measurement):
BPEL: 7.75" to 8.54"
MEG: 5.5" to 6"
Base girth: 6.1" to 7.0"

I am now on a 1 month decon and I expect to lose a little of each dimension since I’ve been going pretty hard and even my measurement days are only 24 hours after last session.

What is your preferred method of Hanging? Compression or Vaccum? What weight do you use and what would be your overall routine and rest days per week?

After a 4 week decon my measurements are:

BPFSL: 8 5/8" (down from 9")
BPEL: 8 3/8" (down from 8.54")
MEG: 6" (no change)
Scar EG: 5 7/8" (down from 6")
Base EG: 7 1/4" (increase from 7")

So the small decrement in size seems about right for a 4 week break. I’ve done some relatively light pumping a few times a week most weeks which might explain the relative stability in girth and the small increase in base girth.

I’ve also injected Trimix a few times for an extra bit of fun in the bedroom, but nothing that went on for more than a couple of hours and without doing girth work while using it.

Starting today I’m back on a routine. My plan is to start low with hanging weight and shoot for elongation rates between 2% and 3%. We’ll see whether the decon break results in some new momentum in length gains.

I’ll update stats either at the end of this month or just wait until April 1 depending on whether or not there is something to report after just a couple of weeks back in the routine.

Originally Posted by Bossman42
What is your preferred method of Hanging? Compression or Vaccum? What weight do you use and what would be your overall routine and rest days per week?

I vacuum hang, and for this period of PE I’ve been using the ‘Hanging with FIRe’ protocol, which is incremental weights for warmup, elongation with heat and then cooldown. There is a thread with that title in the hanging section of the forum if you are interested in trying it out.

There is an available calculator that comes up with weight recommendations based on your flaccid girth, so my weights might not apply, but mine range from 2 pounds to 9.5 pounds for the initial and final sets, assuming I use the entire range. Part of the protocol is to use the lowest weights possible to prevent tissue toughening.

As I’ve mentioned several times in this thread, I’m not sure what the effect of the PGE-1/Trimix have been or, if there has been an effect, to what degree it has contributed. But if I were to make an educated guess the Trimix has been most effective with girth gains. The length gains, I’m not so sure.

Also, some of my gains were getting back to previous dimensions after a long layoff. I do think it is easier to get back to a previous size once achieved so I would hesitate to point to Trimix as the cause of all of my gains over the 6 months I’ve been using it.

But if you are familiar and comfortable with using it you definitely have nothing to lose. The only difference would be that you are shooting for 3-6 hours of effect, so there might be some experimentation with dose, and my experience is that it isn’t quite linear, so I would definitely get some injectable phenylephrine to have on hand while you figure it out if you don’t already have some at home.

Keep me posted on your efforts. There aren’t a lot of us Trimix/chem PE experimenters on the forum so every bit of PGE-1 data is useful.

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by Bossman42
What weight do you use and what would be your overall routine and rest days per week?

Sorry, I overlooked this question.


3-5 hanging days with 1-2 days off when rest days are taken. I don’t follow a schedule that conforms to the 7 day week so it’s a bit irregular.

DMSO/PABA solution to dry prior to hanging.
Hanging with FIRe protocol for 60-90 minutes

Girth work:
Gua sha tunica scraping for 2 minutes (30 strokes per side) with DMSO/PABA/massage oil
Trimix injection (on Trimix days)
2-3 10-minutes sets of heated clamping (on Trimix days)
1-3 10-minute sets of interval pumping (first set heated with an IR pad)
Non-Trimix sessions I add a 10-minute soft clamping set a couple of times per week.

More details:

My routine is a bit irregular in that I train PE as many days as are both workable in my variable schedule and feel useful, kind of a bit of vague structure informed by intuition about whether or not I need a day off. But as a general matter I tend to hang 3-5 days on with 1-2 days off hanging for rest periods. Hanging session are 60-90 minutes. For now I’m using the ‘Hanging with FIRe’ protocol, as I mentioned.

Before hanging I apply a 50% DMSO in H20 solution with PABA dissolved in it to help pliability and decrease tunica scarring, let it dry and then put on my vacuum hanging setup after I measure BPFSL to the retroglandular sulcus for strain calculation. Take the same measurement post hanging.

I tend to throw some girth work in every day I train, but some days it’s only hanging and some only girth. For girth work I prefer to be using Trimix since it makes the girth training way more intense and seems to reduce edema and discoloration for both clamping and pumping. But if I’m not using Trimix I tend to only pump for girth without hard clamping, and when I do I make sure to put on a silicone toe sleeve where the donut would form to prevent a donut and I make sure to go into the tube as erect as possible. This also seems to help prevent some degree of edema, but not as much as using Trimix, so I have to watch it more carefully.

If I’m not using Trimix after pumping I’ll do a 10 minute set of ‘soft clamping’ with 5-8 silicone toe shields at the base after being nearly fully erect. This is to create some intracavernosal tissue hypoxia which is supposed to create a growth response in these tissues. I do this 1-3 times per week after pumping when not on Trimix.

Before injecting Trimix I use some PABA/DMSO/massage oil mix with a gua sha tool to do tunica scraping. This is the same lube I use for pumping.

So a typical girth routine is 1-3 10 minute sessions of clamping with two clamps stacked at the base followed by 1-3 10-minute sets of interval pumping. Without Trimix I pump at much higher vacuum pressure, like 10-12 inHg. With Trimix I can’t handle that much vacuum and go for 5-7inHg. The interval method is where you get to the desired vacuum level, hold it for 1-2 minutes, release the vacuum entirely and then immediately pump to get right back to the desired vacuum level.

Days off from all training I may or may not do a single 10 minute set of either light air or light Bathmate pumping in the hot tub, but that is for fun.

I’m also going to be restarting intracavernosal IGF-1 and BPC 157 later this week as I had some interesting response to adding them. The BPC 157 is protective against scarring but also seems to potentiate the Trimix. The IGF-1 LR3 may have had some effect of crazy long spontaneous overnight and am erections that I mentioned in an earlier post, where I discuss a hypothesis as to why that points to increasing the intracavernosal soft tissues that eventually lead to girth gains. (Again, all hypothesis, no proof, so take it for what it’s worth.)

Rock out with your cock out!

Gains coming back after decon break

Month 8 (2/24):

I had a 4 week decon that ended 2/17/2024. I’m not quite back to PR’s in the length department, but heading back to where i was at the peak. Girth has kept increasing with my pumping regimen.

In the second half of February:

Trimix session days in February: 13
Total hours 90+% erection: 46
Total hours greater 50% erection (including above): 59

After two weeks post-decon, my measurements are:

BPFSL: 8 7/8" (up from 8 5/8"—peak was 9")
BPEL: 8 3/8" (no change—Peak was 8.54")
MEG: 6 1/4" (up from 6")
Scar EG: 6 1/8" (up from 5 7/8")
Base EG: 7 1/2" (increase from 7 1/2")

Been injecting Trimix for session or just for fun with the wife most days.

Just started adding back IGF-1 LR3 and BPC 157, which I’ll do for 6-8 weeks.

Still having with FIRe protocol and strain rates have come back to 3-4% on hanging days.

Hard clamping with Trimix. Haven’t been able to do much Trimix pumping this month, but have been air or water pumping at the end of most days. I think my girth response has been much accelerated with the Trimix.

I got an elliptical tube with a 2" short diameter and I can pack it easily in 10-15 minutes. I’ve started water pumping with it and I really like the combo of water pumping with a standard tube and gauged pump, rather than the Bathmate. Feels more like a dedicated workout session rather than just fun. I’ll still us the Bathmate for occasional fun in the hot tub, but water pumping in my air cylinder may be my new go-to.

I think the length gains are gong to keep going slow, but the girth is pretty motivating.

EQ has been great. Wife and I are having lots of fun.

Rock out with your cock out!


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