The Total Man Heat pad is far superior to the Thermedic IMO. It has taken some time to learn the best way to wear it, but now that I’ve added a few velcro straps, it is too hot on the highest setting. I can leave it on high (red) for a few minutes and then need to go to medium (green) for one minute before I can go back to high.
It’s not perfect. I wish that the power cord was longer. Like, 3-4 feet longer! Also, the size may be too large for guys under 8 inches BPFSL. Especially when hanging SD or BTC. Those issues aside, it’s definitely been an improvement to my routine and I’m looking forward to the results!
My girth after hanging is larger than it used to be because of the increased heat? My post-hanging BPFSL decreases slightly with the increased girth, but I’m feeling a more effective stretch. I remember 5.5squared noticing a similar girth increase when he switched from using a laptop
USB port to a wall cube. I feel this is not a concern and a clear sign that I am hitting greater temperatures while hanging.
I pumped today in my 1.75 in cylinder and reached a record LIT of 7 ⁵/⁸+. This could just be from the increased heat or the first gains on this cycle.