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Disastrous situation erectile dysfunction


Disastrous situation erectile dysfunction

I need advice from more experienced users as my situation today is quite complex;

I have been doing PE for 2 years, everything was regular, I had my gains, but then I realized that I would never reach my goal in the time I wanted, so I underwent a filling with hyaluronic acid for the first time for increase the girth, the small operation went very well and the penis was nice and fat for a while and I enjoyed it for a few months, then it was reabsorbed, so I decided to undergo girth surgery permanent, I had the peniflex prosthesis (European version of the Penuma) implanted, I made the biggest mistake of my life, how much I wish I could go back…; In any case, after a month and a half I had the prosthesis removed because I had severe discomfort, pain and I was starting to experience erectile dysfunction. To date, 4 months after removal I have managed to completely recover my flaccid and erect length through stretching and therapy with Cialis but I have not recovered my penile function and I am having a dysfunction erectile dysfunction that gets worse without Cialis and even if I use Cialis I often can’t maintain an erection and the penis deflates like a balloon, in fact sometimes it can’t be inflated at all or it takes a long time.
4 months after the removal of peniflex I reinserted another hyaluronic acid filler under the skin of my penis because I didn’t want to see my penis so small, I feel the hyaluronic acid under the skin has softened the surrounding tissues a little and it made my penis more elastic, but the problem of erectile function still remains which is not good; The point is that when the prosthesis was inserted over the penis, the body tried to integrate it forming a capsule of scar tissue around the prosthesis, now my prosthesis has been removed, but the scar capsule remains and makes my penis a little uncomfortable, furthermore I feel my penis has little vascularity and is always very cold, especially the glans.Now I know well that if I use tadalafil on a regular and constant basis I could have some improvements, because I had them before, but I am still quite young, I don’t want to resort to Cialis life, furthermore even with Cialis the erection is not hard, but it is a little soft and falls off after a few minutes.

What could I try? Ultrasound therapy? Shock wave therapy? Peptides like BPC and TB500? Growth hormone? Caverject, PT 141? Clamping, pumping, stretching, in short, what do you recommend? I’m getting a little confused these days

I turned to some Italian doctors and they only prescribed me therapy with tadalafil and a little Vit E.
I also took serrapeptase and nattokinase for a month, they softened the capsule a lot, but unfortunately my erections are also soft, so I recently stopped taking them to see if my penis becomes a little firmer again

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I sincerely hope that someone can give me some advice, even just direct me towards the right path, because at the moment I’m a bit lost.

Salve, innanzitutto vorrei dirti che mi dispiace per la tua situazione. Sembra chiaro che il tuo pene ha sofferto le conseguenze di quegli interventi invasivi, prima con l’inserimento della protesi e poi con la sua rimozione.La vascolarizzazione del pene e probabilmente anche alcuni nervi sono stati colpiti. Penso che non ci sia altra opzione che avere pazienza e provare diverse terapie per recuperare parte di ciò che hai perso con quegli interventi chirurgici.

Originally Posted by Mardell78
Salve, innanzitutto vorrei dirti che mi dispiace per la tua situazione. Sembra chiaro che il tuo pene ha sofferto le conseguenze di quegli interventi invasivi, prima con l’inserimento della protesi e poi con la sua rimozione.La vascolarizzazione del pene e probabilmente anche alcuni nervi sono stati colpiti. Penso che non ci sia altra opzione che avere pazienza e provare diverse terapie per recuperare parte di ciò che hai perso con quegli interventi chirurgici.

Hi mardell
thanks for replying
Yes, certainly some nerves could have been damaged considering that during the operation they also cut my suspensory ligament.
My pelvic floor is also a little flabby after the ligament cut.

You got a penile implant solely for size gain, when you had a functional penis? Then had it removed?

Originally Posted by MAk00707
I have been doing PE for 2 years, everything was regular, I had my gains, but then I realized that I would never reach my goal in the time I wanted, so I underwent a filling with hyaluronic acid for the first time for increase the girth, the small operation went very well and the penis was nice and fat for a while and I enjoyed it for a few months, then it was reabsorbed, so I decided to undergo girth surgery permanent, I had the peniflex prosthesis (European version of the Penuma) implanted

So you were primarily interested in more girth?

I had the prosthesis removed because I had severe discomfort, pain and I was starting to experience erectile dysfunction. To date, 4 months after removal I have managed to completely recover my flaccid and erect length through stretching and therapy with Cialis but I have not recovered my penile function and I am having a dysfunction erectile dysfunction that gets worse without Cialis and even if I use Cialis I often can’t maintain an erection and the penis deflates like a balloon, in fact sometimes it can’t be inflated at all or it takes a long time.

You got your length back, which is very good. Loss of length is a very common response to penile "trauma" of any sort - surgery, infection, getting kicked in the crotch, etc.

4 months after the removal of peniflex I reinserted another hyaluronic acid filler under the skin of my penis

I strongly recommend not adding any more filler until you get the ED problem sorted out. The filler will complicate both diagnosis and treatment.

the problem of erectile function still remains which is not good; The point is that when the prosthesis was inserted over the penis, the body tried to integrate it forming a capsule of scar tissue around the prosthesis, now my prosthesis has been removed, but the scar capsule remains and makes my penis a little uncomfortable,

Encapsulation and contracture are very common with facial and breast implants. I would have expected the doctor who did the penile implant would take care of the encapsulation tissue during the removal process.

As far as I know, the only treatment is "capsulectomy"; surgery to go back in and remove extra tissue.

From what I can tell on the web, contracture isn’t mentioned much with regard to penis implants, possibly since there are far fewer of those than breast or facial implants. From what I’ve read some people’s bodies reject the implant, nobody seems to know why. It sounds like you are one of those people. That might also have been why you had so much discomfort from the implant.

furthermore I feel my penis has little vascularity and is always very cold, especially the glans.Now I know well that if I use tadalafil on a regular and constant basis I could have some improvements, because I had them before, but I am still quite young, I don’t want to resort to Cialis life, furthermore even with Cialis the erection is not hard, but it is a little soft and falls off after a few minutes.

The encapsulation stuff is annoying, but this is the real problem. There’s a diagnostic procedure where a urologist can look at blood flow within the penis and tell if there are problems with the blood vessels. Given at least two surgeries (implant and removal), coldness, and erectile dysfunction, I would expect that to be the first test a competent urologist would run. If it’s a blood flow issue, surgery may be indicated. If it’s ordinary "damned if we know why" erectile dysfunction, shockwave therapy, PE procedures, and drugs would be among the options. But you need to know if it’s a blood flow problem first.

What could I try? Ultrasound therapy? Shock wave therapy? Peptides like BPC and TB500? Growth hormone? Caverject, PT 141? Clamping, pumping, stretching, in short, what do you recommend? I’m getting a little confused these days

You don’t know what the problem is yet, so I’d set all those aside for now. Don’t confuse things with PE, ED drugs, etc.

I turned to some Italian doctors and they only prescribed me therapy with tadalafil and a little Vit E.
I also took serrapeptase and nattokinase for a month, they softened the capsule a lot, but unfortunately my erections are also soft, so I recently stopped taking them to see if my penis becomes a little firmer again

Unfortunately that’s the most common "treatment" for erectile dysfunction. I’d stick with the serrapeptase and nattokinase; I don’t see how they can hurt.

To sum things up: see if you can get the blood flow test. If there’s a problem there, PE and/or erectile drugs aren’t going to help very much. Leave your dick alone while you’re waiting for the test. You may lose some length over a few weeks to a month or two; don’t worry about it, it will come back quickly when/if you resume PE.

If the test shows a blood flow problem, you’ll probably get sent to a more-specialized urologist or vascular surgeon. If there’s no problem there, shockwave therapy and/or PE would be the next steps.

As far as the contracture, that can be removed surgically, or you can conceal it with hyaluronic acid filler. But that’s for after the ED problem gets fixed.

When was the last time you had a full physical health assessment? Blood labs, urine sample, finger up the bum, doc trying to grab your spine through your stomach? Erectile dysfunction can "just happen", but it’s often a sign of an underlying health problem, which might not even be remotely related to your penis.

Remember you’re not alone. Try not to get too upset about things. ("Yes, you *can* fly like a bird! Just don’t think of blue elephants or you’ll fall like a rock, though.")

Hello MAk00707, I hope you recover quickly.

Based on your case and the knowledge I have with family doctors, the best advice I can give you is to work on both the biological and psychological aspects. I don’t know the diagnosis the doctor has given you, but I would recommend staying away from PE and any therapy the doctor suggests for a long time, and instead focus on working on the psychological side. Based on your history, I think you might have erectile dysfunction not only due to biological factors but also psychological ones. This is called sexual anxiety. I went through this when I was a young man after breaking up with my first sexual relationship and girlfriend. I went to have sex with another girl and couldn’t stay erect, not even with tadalafil in small doses that a friend gave me. This was because, for tadalafil or your erection to work, you need to have sexual stimulation, which is hard to achieve when we’re thinking about our anxiety due to insecurity or trauma, as I think may have happened to you. I’m not saying there aren’t biological factors, as I don’t know your diagnosis, but I believe you should also take care of your psychological side and try to avoid your insecurities through ‘comparison’ or any other intrusive thoughts that may be going through your mind and causing or worsening erectile dysfunction.

That said, I hope whatever your condition may be, you recover soon!

Originally Posted by boner7484
You got a penile implant solely for size gain, when you had a functional penis? Then had it removed?

yes, exactly, but the implant I’m talking about is a silicone sheath that is placed over the shaft of the penis, not inside, just like penuma, however it is certainly an operation that will bring problems

My friend, if you notice, Andy suggested a capsulectomy to you.

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it to you in one of our scattered posts, but it seems like an option worth considering for the future maybe after trying other solutions and when finances allow!

[NEW START 2025] NBPEL need to evaluate (x") • MSEG need to evaluate (y")


Originally Posted by AndyJ
So you were primarily interested in more girth?

You got your length back, which is very good. Loss of length is a very common response to penile "trauma" of any sort - surgery, infection, getting kicked in the crotch, etc.

I strongly recommend not adding any more filler until you get the ED problem sorted out. The filler will complicate both diagnosis and treatment.

Encapsulation and contracture are very common with facial and breast implants. I would have expected the doctor who did the penile implant would take care of the encapsulation tissue during the removal process.

As far as I know, the only treatment is "capsulectomy"; surgery to go back in and remove extra tissue.

From what I can tell on the web, contracture isn’t mentioned much with regard to penis implants, possibly since there are far fewer of those than breast or facial implants. From what I’ve read some people’s bodies reject the implant, nobody seems to know why. It sounds like you are one of those people. That might also have been why you had so much discomfort from the implant.

The encapsulation stuff is annoying, but this is the real problem. There’s a diagnostic procedure where a urologist can look at blood flow within the penis and tell if there are problems with the blood vessels. Given at least two surgeries (implant and removal), coldness, and erectile dysfunction, I would expect that to be the first test a competent urologist would run. If it’s a blood flow issue, surgery may be indicated. If it’s ordinary "damned if we know why" erectile dysfunction, shockwave therapy, PE procedures, and drugs would be among the options. But you need to know if it’s a blood flow problem first.

You don’t know what the problem is yet, so I’d set all those aside for now. Don’t confuse things with PE, ED drugs, etc.

Unfortunately that’s the most common "treatment" for erectile dysfunction. I’d stick with the serrapeptase and nattokinase; I don’t see how they can hurt.

To sum things up: see if you can get the blood flow test. If there’s a problem there, PE and/or erectile drugs aren’t going to help very much. Leave your dick alone while you’re waiting for the test. You may lose some length over a few weeks to a month or two; don’t worry about it, it will come back quickly when/if you resume PE.

If the test shows a blood flow problem, you’ll probably get sent to a more-specialized urologist or vascular surgeon. If there’s no problem there, shockwave therapy and/or PE would be the next steps.

As far as the contracture, that can be removed surgically, or you can conceal it with hyaluronic acid filler. But that’s for after the ED problem gets fixed.

When was the last time you had a full physical health assessment? Blood labs, urine sample, finger up the bum, doc trying to grab your spine through your stomach? Erectile dysfunction can "just happen", but it’s often a sign of an underlying health problem, which might not even be remotely related to your penis.

Remember you’re not alone. Try not to get too upset about things. ("Yes, you *can* fly like a bird! Just don’t think of blue elephants or you’ll fall like a rock, though.")

Hi ANDYJ,First of all, thank you for replying,

Yes, I have always been more interested in girth and it was really difficult for me to increase, a bit like for most of us.

I managed to recover all the length in the first month after removal because I didn’t wait long, maybe just a few weeks and then I immediately started with tadalafil therapy every other day and manual stretching and ads for a month, in that period however I remember that I had erections that were sometimes good, even if the tissue of the penis was very stiff and painful, then with time and above all thanks to serrapeptase, nattokinase and vit and my penis it started to soften, but at the same time it started to work less, I obviously noticed a clear worsening since I stopped taking tadalafil.

I had heard of capsulectomy, but honestly, I don’t think my penis would withstand another operation, so I would like to avoid

This evening I made an appointment with another andrologist, I hope he is better than the others I have been to so far.

for the moment I will wait for the day of the visit, I try not to think about it but it’s really difficult, the feeling of having nothing alive between my legs is scary, the good thing is that I’m in trt and therefore the libido is present, sometimes I feel that my penis would like to rise because I really feel the stimulus of the erection starting from the stomach, but then this stimulus cannot reach the penis.

the doctor who implanted the peniflex in me no longer answered the phone when he found out that I had been in the hospital to have the prosthesis removed, yes, because the "doctor" who operated on me asked me for more money to remove the prosthesis even though I was experiencing severe discomfort, I no longer had any money, so I had myself admitted to hospital. The hospital doctor who removed the prosthesis recommended me only tadalafil and told me "your penis doesn’t it will be more like before", he said it as if it were something easy to accept. I don’t want to be negative and I will try to still have a little faith but I think it’s normal in my condition to feel in the dark.
among other things, I tried to sue the doctor through a lawyer, but I was told that I wouldn’t win the case because we didn’t have any receipt or medical records and furthermore the operation was carried out in Turkey in a private clinic The doctor who performed the peniflex on me had probably foreseen everything.

Originally Posted by toroxx15
Hello MAk00707, I hope you recover quickly.

Based on your case and the knowledge I have with family doctors, the best advice I can give you is to work on both the biological and psychological aspects. I don’t know the diagnosis the doctor has given you, but I would recommend staying away from PE and any therapy the doctor suggests for a long time, and instead focus on working on the psychological side. Based on your history, I think you might have erectile dysfunction not only due to biological factors but also psychological ones. This is called sexual anxiety. I went through this when I was a young man after breaking up with my first sexual relationship and girlfriend. I went to have sex with another girl and couldn’t stay erect, not even with tadalafil in small doses that a friend gave me. This was because, for tadalafil or your erection to work, you need to have sexual stimulation, which is hard to achieve when we’re thinking about our anxiety due to insecurity or trauma, as I think may have happened to you. I’m not saying there aren’t biological factors, as I don’t know your diagnosis, but I believe you should also take care of your psychological side and try to avoid your insecurities through ‘comparison’ or any other intrusive thoughts that may be going through your mind and causing or worsening erectile dysfunction.

That said, I hope whatever your condition may be, you recover soon!

Hi toroxx15
Thank you for your advice and contribution, in fact I am working or at least trying to manage my psychological aspect as best I can, I am continuing to do physical activity and take some supplements to lower cortisol.
but I can assure you that my ED problem is not psychological, because I am on trt and in the morning I have the libido and the desire to masturbate, when I see a woman on TV I want to fuck her but I get depressed because I don’t have much perception of my penis and even if I would be able to have an erection, it would be a very soft erection even if I am excited, I also managed to ejaculate in this condition but I can guarantee you that it is bad to feel your penis soft even during Ejaculation is a horrible sensation.

Thank you again for your recovery wishes, I really hope so too.

Originally Posted by ImNormoEquipped
My friend, if you notice, Andy suggested a capsulectomy to you.
I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it to you in one of our scattered posts, but it seems like an option worth considering for the future maybe after trying other solutions and when finances allow!

yes, we had already talked about capsulectomy, I will also try to mention it to the doctor when I go for a visit, although as I also told Andy, I’m afraid to put my penis back under the knife, but if it’s necessary, I’ll do it ’ that intervention too.

Thank you as always for your support my friend, thank you so much

I noticed a very important detail in my opinion, I had turned off the PC and I decided to start reading and reflect, while I was reflecting I felt my penis bothering me because my penis was dangling between my legs, so I decided to turn it towards up and place it on the pubis, after a few seconds I felt a discharge, an impulse that connected my pelvic floor to the penis and the penis started to swell a little with blood, but as soon as I let it hang my penis hanging forward, I quickly start to lose perception and it becomes numb again, at this point I start to think that the main problem could be a damaged important nerve that connects the pelvic floor with the body of the penis, also because reading online I discovered that the pudendal nerve is very important for triggering an erection and coincidentally that nerve passes right above the ligaments, which in my case have been cut, in any case I will wait for the opinion of the doctor who will visit me in a month.

Originally Posted by MAk00707
reading online I discovered that the pudendal nerve is very important for triggering an erection and coincidentally that nerve passes right above the ligaments, which in my case have been cut,

They cut the ligaments? Like for "lengthening" surgery? Was that to let the implant provide more length as well as girth?

The thought of damage to the main nerve bundle made me want to cross my legs and make a high keening noise, but I don’t think it’s something you need to be too worried about. You would have had numbness, tingling, or other strange sensations starting from when you woke up after the first surgery.

You probably have *some* of that now, after all the trauma, so don’t freak out over any odd sensations.

A neurologist can tell if there’s damage to the nerve, if you can find one who will look at a penis. The testing procedure is quite low-tech. They stab at the nerve with a needle and see how much you jump. But frankly, I wouldn’t worry about a neuro consult yet.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
They cut the ligaments? Like for "lengthening" surgery? Was that to let the implant provide more length as well as girth?

The thought of damage to the main nerve bundle made me want to cross my legs and make a high keening noise, but I don’t think it’s something you need to be too worried about. You would have had numbness, tingling, or other strange sensations starting from when you woke up after the first surgery.

You probably have *some* of that now, after all the trauma, so don’t freak out over any odd sensations.

A neurologist can tell if there’s damage to the nerve, if you can find one who will look at a penis. The testing procedure is quite low-tech. They stab at the nerve with a needle and see how much you jump. But frankly, I wouldn’t worry about a neuro consult yet.

yes exactly, they cut the suspensory ligament and positioned the peniflex prosthesis over the penis in order to maintain the distance between the pubic bone and the penis, then they used the peniflex prosthesis both to increase the circumference and as a spacer for the ligaments.

I have to be honest, as soon as after the surgery my penis was working great, as soon as I woke up from the surgery my penis was already stiff and on the night of the surgery I had nocturnal erections (very painful obviously), but in any case it was a sign that my penis was working quite well, things started to get worse rapidly during the first few weeks, up to a month later, at which point my erect penis started to hurt a lot especially in the area of ​​contact with the prosthesis and during sexual intercourse I noticed that my penis was very soft and my partner told me that the prosthesis was hurting because she could feel the edges of it, precisely due to the fact that my penis underneath was very soft. In that period a layer of fibrotic plaque had started to form under and around the prosthesis, so I could say that the problem of erectile dysfunction presented itself exactly in the weeks in which the capsule was forming around the prosthesis, after having removed the prosthesis in hospital things are slightly improved, but only because I used tadalafil every other day, when I skipped taking the drug things didn’t go well, and now that I haven’t taken tadalafil for almost a month things are very bad, probably if I go back to taking tadalafil I feel like I could get better again.
at this point would most of the cause of my ED be attributed to the capsule hindering circulation?

also since I started taking serrapeptase, nattokinase and vit E my penis has become very soft and elastic, could it be that serrapeptase or VIT E make the penis excessively soft?

for a month I took:
SERRAPEPTASE 120 000 SPU per day

2000FU per day

VIT E 1000/2000 IU per day

this one month protocol made my penis much more elastic whereas before it was very stiff like in peyronie’s disease.

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