Disastrous situation erectile dysfunction
I need advice from more experienced users as my situation today is quite complex;
I have been doing PE for 2 years, everything was regular, I had my gains, but then I realized that I would never reach my goal in the time I wanted, so I underwent a filling with hyaluronic acid for the first time for increase the girth, the small operation went very well and the penis was nice and fat for a while and I enjoyed it for a few months, then it was reabsorbed, so I decided to undergo girth surgery permanent, I had the peniflex prosthesis (European version of the Penuma) implanted, I made the biggest mistake of my life, how much I wish I could go back…; In any case, after a month and a half I had the prosthesis removed because I had severe discomfort, pain and I was starting to experience erectile dysfunction. To date, 4 months after removal I have managed to completely recover my flaccid and erect length through stretching and therapy with Cialis but I have not recovered my penile function and I am having a dysfunction erectile dysfunction that gets worse without Cialis and even if I use Cialis I often can’t maintain an erection and the penis deflates like a balloon, in fact sometimes it can’t be inflated at all or it takes a long time.
4 months after the removal of peniflex I reinserted another hyaluronic acid filler under the skin of my penis because I didn’t want to see my penis so small, I feel the hyaluronic acid under the skin has softened the surrounding tissues a little and it made my penis more elastic, but the problem of erectile function still remains which is not good; The point is that when the prosthesis was inserted over the penis, the body tried to integrate it forming a capsule of scar tissue around the prosthesis, now my prosthesis has been removed, but the scar capsule remains and makes my penis a little uncomfortable, furthermore I feel my penis has little vascularity and is always very cold, especially the glans.Now I know well that if I use tadalafil on a regular and constant basis I could have some improvements, because I had them before, but I am still quite young, I don’t want to resort to Cialis life, furthermore even with Cialis the erection is not hard, but it is a little soft and falls off after a few minutes.
What could I try? Ultrasound therapy? Shock wave therapy? Peptides like BPC and TB500? Growth hormone? Caverject, PT 141? Clamping, pumping, stretching, in short, what do you recommend? I’m getting a little confused these days
I turned to some Italian doctors and they only prescribed me therapy with tadalafil and a little Vit E.
I also took serrapeptase and nattokinase for a month, they softened the capsule a lot, but unfortunately my erections are also soft, so I recently stopped taking them to see if my penis becomes a little firmer again
Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I sincerely hope that someone can give me some advice, even just direct me towards the right path, because at the moment I’m a bit lost.