vac ADS routine advice post-injury recovery
My stealthformen ADS parts that fit me all wore out a while ago, and I noticed constant light pain using the wrong parts, so I think the injury is due to using parts that don’t fit.. I got a recurring blister so I’m forced to stop PE for a while. I ordered new parts from them 3.5 months ago, that’s another story entirely… If they had sent me replacement parts in a reasonable amount of tiime this injury probably wouldn’t have happened…
Question 1: Manual routine while recoering from a vac blister:
Does anyone know if it’s safe to do manual routines while I wait to recover from a vacuum blister?
Question 2: Adjusting the routine to prevent recurring vac ADS injury:
I was up to 2.5 hours vac ADS and 10 minutes water pumping — but I am thinking I sholud reduce my routine at first to avoid injury.
But, by how much should I reduce the routine? I’ll have 2 weeks with no PE.. (I expect at least some deconditioning)
then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG
now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG