Thunder's Place

Free Penis Enlargement Forums

Free Penis Enlargement Forums Available To Members

Forum members have access to a larger range of forums than guests, including more general health related and humerous forums.

Public Forums

These penis enlargement related forums are available to both guests and members, though guests may not post.

Penis Enlargement

Members with Penis Enlargement experience.
This forum mostly discusses manual penis enlargement techniques as hanging and pumping have their own forums.

Penis Hangers

This forum covers the specific penis enlargement method of hanging and related non-manual subjects.
An understanding of penis enlargement and hanging terms is extremely helpful in this forum.

Penis Extenders

The use of extenders for traction based penis enlargement is often supplemental to a fuller routine. These devices are normally lower tension than hangers.

Penis Pumps

For anyone interested in vacuum pumping as part of a complete penis enlargement routine. Discussion of methods and favored devices is complimented with routines. Not for people using pumping as a fetish.
A knowledge of terms is helpful

Penis Enlargement Basics

Members new to PE should start reading here. No question is too simple, but try searching first to see if it has been covered
New Members may only start threads in this forum and the Progress Reports and Pictures forum.

Penis Enlargement Cream

The cream of the crop: some of the better penis enlargement thoughts on the site. This is the kind of penis enlargement cream that works.
You may not start threads but comments are encouraged.

Progress Reports

Charting your own progress towards a bigger penis and especially following others is another tool in the PEers arsenal.

Injuries and Treatments

Penis enlargement is not without risks. This is the place to discuss injuries, their impact and options for recovery.


This forum is for members to post reviews of products they own and are experienced in using. Detail is appreciated!

Men's Sexual Health

Sexual health matters, whether it's ejaculation control or how our general health impacts on us sexually.

Male Supplements

Supplements useful for penis enlargement or general health.

Men's Grooming Tips

How you look can affect how you feel. Look good and maybe you'll increase in confidence. Have a sense of style, look after yourself and read what others do to accomplish this.

Foros en Español: Público

Foros en Español.

Agrandamiento del Pene

Foro para el Hombre que Quiera Agrandar su Pene.

Pesos para Agrandar el Pene

Para quienes quieran hacer crecer el pene colgando pesas.

Extensores para Agrandar el Pene

El uso de extensores para el agrandamiento del pene basado en la tracción es frecuentemente un suplemento de una rutina más completa. Estos aparatos proveen normalmente una tensión inferior a la de los sistemas de colgamiento de pesos.

Bombas para Agrandar el Pene

El lugar para discutir todo lo relacionado con las técnicas de la bomba y el tubo de vacío para hacer crecer su miembro

Agrandamiento del Pene para Novatos

Para los miembros que comienzan con los ejercicios del agrandamiento del pene, donde expongan sus dudas y reciban ayuda de los más experimentados.

Salud Sexual del Hombre

Para optimizar o mejorar la salud sexual en el hombre en asuntos como: enfermedades sexuales transmitidas, calidad de la erección e impotencia, eyaculación precoz, inhibiciones, timidez, etc.

Foros en Español: Miembros

Foros en Español.
Spanish language forums. Please don't post in English.

Fotos del progreso de nuestros miembros

Publique aquí las fotos de sus progresos y equipos.

Otras Fotos Penianas


En este foro encontrarás amplia información sobre los productos relacionados con el PE (aparatos, libros, etc.) con la descripción provista por sus propios vendedores y podrás obtener respuesta a todas tus preguntas.

Salud General y Nutrición

En donde encontrará inercambio de opiniones acerca de temas de salud en general, dietas, nutrición, fitness y suplementos.

Novedades del sitio

¿Qué hay de nuevo en Thunder's place?


La vida, el amor y las fantasías

Todo el sexo a calzón quitado

Otros Temas

Todo lo que quiera discutir no relacionado con PE.

La Lobotomía

El lugar para reposar el cerebro y las manos, donde todo vale si es legal

Forum in Italiano: pubblico

Pene più lungo e largo

Il forum principale dei membri con esperienza di ingrandimento pene (PE).

Pesi e estensori per il pene

Forum specifico per metodi e attrezzature relative all'uso di pesi per l'ingrandimento pene. Prima di iniziare l'hanging, informarsi il più possibile, guardare i video con le istruzioni e fare domande in caso di dubbi.

Pompe per il pene

L'uso di pompe a vacuo per ingrandire il pene, come tecnica principale o complementare;routines, equipaggiamento e ricambi. Prima di iniziare il pumping ricercare accuratamente il maggior numero di informazioni disponibili e seguìre i consigli dei vet

Esercizi di base per il pene

Se sei nuovo del PE e hai dubbi, chiedi qui, ma fai prima una ricerca per vedere se c'è già una discussione sullo stesso argomento.
I New member possono iniziare discussioni qui e in Foto Personali.

Pene più grande: focus

Discussioni ritenute di particolare interesse dagli amministratori; appariranno sulla home page. I commenti alle stesse sono benvenuti.

Salute sessuale maschile

Traumi, malattie, cure e supplementi. Non dare consigli medici specifici, si possono scambiare esperienze personali e informazioni ma evitate di fare i medici online.

Pensieri e parole

Spazio per raccontare esperienze ed esprimere idee personali.

Forum in Italiano: membri

Giornali di bordo

Posta tutto quello che fai per ingrandire il pene e i risultati che ottieni. Condividi e ottieni consigli.

Foto personali

Posta i tuoi progressi e ogni foto con genitali qui.


Discussioni relative a prodotti commerciali per il PE.


Ogni discussione che non rientra negli altri forum – purché sia legale.


Umorismo, morbosità e stranezze.

Forums en Français: Accès Libre

Agrandir le Pénis

Allonger le Pénis grâce aux Poids

Pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent à l'utilisation de poids pour l'allongement du pénis. On parle ici de ses expériences, de techniques, d'appareils, etc.

Les Pompes à Pénis

Pour ceux qui s’intéressent à l’utilisation de pompes à vide en tant que technique principale ou complémentaire pour l’élargissement du pénis. On y discute de méthodes, de techniques, d’appareils, de routines.

Découvrir l’Agrandissement du Pénis

Un Pénis de Taille. Petit Florilège

Des articles importants sur des sujets particulièrement intéressants édités par des administrateurs. Vos commentaires seront les bienvenus.

La Santé Sexuelle au Masculin

Echangez sur tout ce qui concerne la santé masculine. Parlez de vos blessures ou de vos maladies, des traitements, des compléments alimentaires. Donnez des conseils ou des avis mais sans aller jusqu’à jouer les médecins.

Forums en Français: Accès Membres

Journal de bord

Parlez de votre quotidien d’adepte du PE. Discutez de ce que vous faites pour agrandir votre pénis et des résultats que vous obtenez. Donnez votre avis, posez des questions. Demandez des conseils ou donnez-en.

Photos Personnelles

Postez ici les preuves de vos progrès. Toutes les photos sur lesquelles apparaissent vos parties génitales devront obligatoirement être postées ici.


Partagez vos expériences et donnez votre avis sur des produits ou des appareils du commerce.

Bric à Brac

Postez tout ce qui n’entre pas dans le cadre des autres forums. Vous pouvez parler de tout, tant que c’est légal.


Pour se détendre et reposer les neurones ! Humour, choses insolites, bizarreries, etc… sans oublier de respecter les règles du forum.

Other Languages

We try to be welcoming at Thunder's Place to all people but sometimes we don't have quite enough people who want to speak another language. You may find someone who speaks your language here.

Global Penis Enlargement

This is a place for people interested in penis enlargement to post in their native language. Now you can start new threads! No penis pictures, please.

Global Other Topics

This is a space for people to discuss topics not related to PE in their own language. If we don't have a category for your language, post here.

Members Only

Penis enlargement forums available only to members.

Progress Reports and Pictures

Post and share your progress, routines photos.
'In use' pictures must be posted here.

Research and Development

The Thunder's Place Institute for the Advancement of Penis Enlargement though potentially dangerous, sometimes fruitful and always fun real world research.


Manufacturers release information, useful to members and other introductions to products.


Post all polls here.

Other Forums

General discussion forums for topics that do not relate to PE.

Not Covered Elsewhere

Anything not covered in other forums goes here.

Fitness / Bodybuilding

Discussion of fitness regimens, supplements and equipment.

Twat's News

News of the day, with a twisted sensibility.


References to sites of interest.
Please try to post a description of the site.

Forum Forum

Add complaints about or suggestions for the forum. Discuss technical difficulties and report problems.

The Blue Chair

Discussions on mental health and its effects on PE and life in general.

Darkness at Noon

Politics, culture wars, religion and anything that might raise two eyebrows.

DW's Forums

These forums are the area where the inane, insane and wonderful jostle for space. Expect sexual content.

The Dive

The dark side of Thunder's Place. Everything from the humorous to the downright obscene.

Life, Love and Fantasies

Discussions, reviews and advice on love, life, relationship and erotic fantasy.

Brain Food

Exploration of ethics, morals, religion, society, sexual proclivities or topics that expand thought.