Thunder's Place

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Had Chronic Epididymitis For 9 Years And Just Got Rid Of It In Seconds

Had Chronic Epididymitis For 9 Years And Just Got Rid Of It In Seconds

The title makes it sound like I am going to try and sell something, but that is not what this post is for. What finally cured my epididymitis was a simple pelvic floor stretch.

Nine years ago, I got a urinary tract infection and struggled with it for about a month before I finally got rid of it. After the infection was gone, I could still feel noticeable inflammation of my left epididymis. I took 4 ibuprofen twice a day for about 5 days, and the inflammation subsided. But I could still feel a slight ache in my left testicle and epididymis. And if I applied pressure to the testicle or pushed down on the top of the epididymis, it was painful. I assumed this would go away, but it never did.

After several months, I finally decided that this was something I was going to have to live with and I was not going to let it bother me. It hardly ever actually hurt, and most days it never even crossed my mind. Every once in a while, I would get up out of a chair and pinch something just right and get a little pain. And some days the dull ache would be worse, and just enough that I would notice it. I had one of those days last week.

I went through all the same motions I usually did when this happened. I poked around and kept feeling everything trying to pinpoint what exactly was causing the pain, and I tried several different scrotal stretches I came up with that I thought might stretch out the epididymis. I then searched the internet and reread all the same articles I had read in the past, some of which talked about surgery.

Then I added the word “forum” to my search and found a Reddit post about someone who claimed to have cured his epididymitis. He said he found this stretch where you lay on the floor with a pillow under your lower back and your legs straight, then bend your one knee (in my case, the left knee) so that your left toes come up and are touching your right knee. Then force your left knee down towards the floor, stretching your pelvic floor.

He claimed he did this and his epididymitis immediately went away. I then read the responses, and several others claimed to have tried it and also eliminated their pain. I thought to myself that this wasn’t going to fix me. I must have something else going on that is in my epididymis or testicle since that is where the pain is, and it increases if I apply pressure. And I assumed nothing was going to help anyway since it had gone on for so long. But I figured I would give it a try.

I laid down with a pillow under my back and did three 30 second stretches. Then stood up and applied pressure in the areas that generated pain, AND THERE WAS ZERO PAIN. I couldn’t believe it. I kept pushing and squeezing, and nothing. And no more dull ache. The discomfort was 100 percent gone, and has been gone since I did the stretch.

Even though I decided I was going to live with it and not let it affect my life, I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me. I would sometimes worry about it and wonder what was causing the issue. Was it scar tissue or a cyst that could become cancerous? Would it affect my fertility?
Should I have surgery and potentially make it worse?

Anyways, I am glad it’s gone. And if anyone else is suffering from epididymitis, I hope they find this post and it helps them.

So do you think it was a pelvic floor issue and the stretches loosened it?

Originally Posted by boner7484
So do you think it was a pelvic floor issue and the stretches loosened it?

Apparently. Swelling from the urinary tract infection must have tightened something in my pelvic floor and pinched a nerve. The pain had nothing to do with the epididymis or testicle.

Originally Posted by ImNormoEquipped
Currently, has the pain you experienced not returned?

It has not returned. Zero ache and zero pain when I apply pressure. I keep squeezing and pushing on my left testicle every chance I get to see if I get pain, and I get nothing. It now feels no different than the right testicle. I think this is day 5 after the stretch.

Originally Posted by AnonD
The title makes it sound like I am going to try and sell something, but that is not what this post is for. What finally cured my epididymitis was a simple pelvic floor stretch.

Nine years ago, I got a urinary tract infection and struggled with it for about a month before I finally got rid of it. After the infection was gone, I could still feel noticeable inflammation of my left epididymis. I took 4 ibuprofen twice a day for about 5 days, and the inflammation subsided. But I could still feel a slight ache in my left testicle and epididymis. And if I applied pressure to the testicle or pushed down on the top of the epididymis, it was painful. I assumed this would go away, but it never did.

After several months, I finally decided that this was something I was going to have to live with and I was not going to let it bother me. It hardly ever actually hurt, and most days it never even crossed my mind. Every once in a while, I would get up out of a chair and pinch something just right and get a little pain. And some days the dull ache would be worse, and just enough that I would notice it. I had one of those days last week.

I went through all the same motions I usually did when this happened. I poked around and kept feeling everything trying to pinpoint what exactly was causing the pain, and I tried several different scrotal stretches I came up with that I thought might stretch out the epididymis. I then searched the internet and reread all the same articles I had read in the past, some of which talked about surgery.

Then I added the word “forum” to my search and found a Reddit post about someone who claimed to have cured his epididymitis. He said he found this stretch where you lay on the floor with a pillow under your lower back and your legs straight, then bend your one knee (in my case, the left knee) so that your left toes come up and are touching your right knee. Then force your left knee down towards the floor, stretching your pelvic floor.

He claimed he did this and his epididymitis immediately went away. I then read the responses, and several others claimed to have tried it and also eliminated their pain. I thought to myself that this wasn’t going to fix me. I must have something else going on that is in my epididymis or testicle since that is where the pain is, and it increases if I apply pressure. And I assumed nothing was going to help anyway since it had gone on for so long. But I figured I would give it a try.

I laid down with a pillow under my back and did three 30 second stretches. Then stood up and applied pressure in the areas that generated pain, AND THERE WAS ZERO PAIN. I couldn’t believe it. I kept pushing and squeezing, and nothing. And no more dull ache. The discomfort was 100 percent gone, and has been gone since I did the stretch.

Even though I decided I was going to live with it and not let it affect my life, I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me. I would sometimes worry about it and wonder what was causing the issue. Was it scar tissue or a cyst that could become cancerous? Would it affect my fertility?
Should I have surgery and potentially make it worse?

Anyways, I am glad it’s gone. And if anyone else is suffering from epididymitis, I hope they find this post and it helps them.

Hi friend AnonD. I am also suffering from this problem I think more than 20 years I am suffering . I have been around a lot of urology no one has been able to get me cured . When I feel pain I always take anti-inflammatories , the pain in the winter period both feel very often., maybe because with the low temperatures the testicles tend to retract to stay warm it is there with the mechanical movement the pain starts , I live with it now , I had an infection when I was young and from there I have not healed from the inflammation, could you explain the technique in more detail? I don’t think I understand it well sorry. I thank you for your support.

Originally Posted by Desko
Hi friend AnonD. I am also suffering from this problem I think more than 20 years I am suffering . I have been around a lot of urology no one has been able to get me cured . When I feel pain I always take anti-inflammatories , the pain in the winter period both feel very often., maybe because with the low temperatures the testicles tend to retract to stay warm it is there with the mechanical movement the pain starts , I live with it now , I had an infection when I was young and from there I have not healed from the inflammation, could you explain the technique in more detail? I don’t think I understand it well sorry. I thank you for your support.

This is the reddit post he refers to, and the post has a drawing/diagram explaining the stretch - … ths_cured_in_5/

Originally Posted by boner7484
This is the reddit post he refers to, and the post has a drawing/diagram explaining the stretch - … ths_cured_in_5/

Yes, this is where I found the stretch. Hopefully the link helps you.

Worth quoting in case it goes away.

Originally Posted by suebphatt
Got Chronic Epididymitis for 4 months, cured in 5 minutes with a single new random stretching.
Good evening CE sub,

I’m not a native English speaker but I’ll try my best.

TLDR; I tried the random stretching by the image below, and my 5-month-hellish CE is cured in 5 minutes.

I will start with the same general disclaimer, like other posts here: This won’t work for everyone. But I believe there will be someone here relate, and I really want you guys to fully heal.

Started in the beginning of Mar I went to a urologist because of pelvic and right-side scrotum pain (no swelling, just pain, quite unbearable). Got pee tested up and the results said I got bacterial infection in my urine. Got prescribed Cipro for 2 weeks of “let’s see if it’s Epididymitis or Prostatitis” diagnosis.

2 weeks have passed, the pain got 50% better and not fully go away. Doc said “Ok, it’s probably Prostatitis” and prescribed another 2 weeks of Cipro.

Got 90% better but not fully go away. Finished the course, and 1 month later, the pain came back at 100%, but on the left side of the testicle.

I was really quite sure my infection is caused by the free lubricant from China that I’ve been using with the silicone pussy I ordered from China. My urologist told me half of their patients got STIs from uncleaned sex toys. The bacteria can build up quickly in the unclean lube.

So I threw all the sex toys away and start another whole new 2 weeks course of Cipro once again. It cleared the pain quite quickly (I felt better on day 1 on Cipro) But since I cannot tolerate the side effects from Cipro anymore (I could hardly breathe and got gastritis) so I asked my urologist to make a switch to CURAM (It’s basically Amoxicillin) and all the side effects got TONS better. So, I would like to tell you here again: Please don’t do Cipro until it’s your last chance lol.

Now, at the time I’m making this post, there are only 2 days left to finish the course of 2-week Cipro + 3-week CURAM (sum 5 weeks)

I have done a lot of research because I do not want to live my life with this pain anymore. Turmeric, Oregano Oil, Punarnava, Saw Palmetto, Black seed oil, CBD oil, Black garlic (4x better than garlic, I highly recommend), Vitamin E, Cranberry, Ginger, Magnesium, Papaya Enzyme, Fish Oil, Echinacea, Propolis, Manuka Honey

… and yes … stretching

But what cured me is not the general stretching, it’s a new pose that I randomly tried … and bingo.

I was 99.99% sure that I have had pain in my testicles and no muscles are related AT ALL.

And I was wrong (I tried pelvic stretching for 2 weeks with not a lot of improvement)

Then last night, after the course of my routine 15-minute stretching, I felt like to try to randomly find the spot to stretch on my own. Because I have got a pain in the right lower abdomen, down to the scrotum.

So I imagined I want to stretch the front side of my scrotum, not the back, or around (Most of the pelvic exercises focus stretching of the hip, groin, pelvic back, etc.)

Then I randomly tried this post:

r/chronicepididymitis - top view
top view

r/chronicepididymitis - side view
side view
Immediately I felt the VERY VERY VERY strong sharp pain in my right testicle. I felt like the epididymis were being torn apart.

I was very shocked and panicked. I grab my right ball and start stretching the post again (softly this time). Then finally I can tell that the pain is NOT from the testicle. It IS some tight muscle inside.

Because I tried stretching while grabbing my ball in my hand. I feel no pain from my ball. But the pain feels 100000000% straight from the testicle (At this point I do not know how to describe this situation in English anymore)

I don’t even know the name of that muscle. it’s not even pelvic … or is it?

I tried to stretch that muscle for 15 seconds. It WAS VERY PAINFUL. But I bear with it because I just feel like “OH DAMMIT. THIS IS IT. I FINALLY FOUND YOU PIECE OF SH**.”

After that 15 seconds, the pain did not go away immediately, but strange things happened. I feel like I can breathe in 50% more air of my current state, and I feel blood flow everywhere in my body.

So the truth is, due to the tightness of that unnamed muscle, I only can breathe air 50% of my maximum lung, and I have been doing that for a very long time.

5 minutes later, the pain went away.

like .. 99% away

And today is my first day of the pain-free day.

And yes, I hope I won’t come back in a week to tell you that the pain comes back lol.

Actually I still have 0.1 - 0.5% pain in the testicle, because I actually infected from bacteria in my epididymis. But the pain from the infection is almost nonexistent, compared to the pain from that tight unnamed muscle. It was hell…

I don’t even know how I got that muscle clenched. It makes no sense.

The bacterial infection got my muscle clenched? or the clenched muscle caused the epididymitis? what about the unclean lube? I have no idea anymore. I hate this complicated world, seriously.

I post this because I hope someone may relate and try that unnamed stretching, for that unnamed muscle. If you got testicle/ around lower abdomen pain with no swelling. I think it’s worth a try.

Sorry for the long post.

Have a nice day!

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