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Best hanger on the market?

Best hanger on the market?

I’m looking to do a deconditioning. ADS no longer seem to be giving me any more results. It’s been almost a year with little to no results. I’m hoping hanging will get this thing going again.

What are the best hangers on the market?

I can’t use vacuum hangers because I always seem to get infections from them.

Your options are:

1) noose. Simple and cheap, but limited in how much weight they can hold.

2) vacuum. Almost as simple and cheap, but if you’re sensitive to vacuum, they might not be practical. If you’re not getting vacuum blisters, you might want to work up an enhanced cleaning routine. A major advantage of a vacuum hanger is that you don’t have to remove it regularly to massage blood back in to your glans.

3) compression. The compression hangers allow more weight than the noose or vacuum, but they only pull from the base of the hanger to the body instead of the full length of the shaft. They can also be pretty hard on the skin.

What kind of ADS are you using? Most modern ones use the same caps as vacuum hangers.

Originally Posted by oolongmonkey
I’m looking to do a deconditioning. ADS no longer seem to be giving me any more results. It’s been almost a year with little to no results. I’m hoping hanging will get this thing going again.

What are the best hangers on the market?

I can’t use vacuum hangers because I always seem to get infections from them.

I use a homemade "chickenchoker" from plans I found here on Thunders, should be pretty easy to search it up.
Cheap and easy to make. Quick to put on and quick to take off.
I’ve tested it up to 20 lbs, but I use between 8-12 lbs.
I’ve had trouble with my frenulum in the past, I think I was going to heavy too fast. Everything is good now, except for soreness on my glands, but I guess that’s expected when you hang heavy weights from your dick for an hour.šŸ˜‚
Oh, and a good wrapping technique is important.

My Two-dollar Chickenchoker Hanger!!

Iā€™m using StealthForMen, a high quality vac attachment /hanger. It can take a while to learn to put it on and you need excellent suction to use it with high weight. The parts wear out over time. Well, just 2 parts wear out the most/ 1- glans cap, 2-vac chamber seal attachment/ the device the vac chamber plugs into. The next device that wears out (but not as often as the first 2) is the sabreskin. I have never had a vac chamber break but ive had to replace a clogged valve before.

They have medical grade tubing- something called sabreskin, itā€™s incredibly comfortable. It only comes in 2 sizes, 30 and one other (maybe 28).It is sticky in a good way and great for preventing slippage.

They ship their main device quickly but I have had bad luck with refillsā€” from worn out parts. I just spent 3.5 months waiting for my last oart refill order (as an example).

Itā€™s a good device and incredibly comfortable, but itā€™s on the expensive side. I use it as an ADS and most of the 0.875ā€ BPEL length gains I made last year are from this device .

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

If you are interested in a compression hanger then check out the Total Man Shop’s version. I don’t prefer compression hangers because they are less comfortable and require a reset every 20 minutes or so, but I do have this one and it is well designed and about as easy to use as a compression hanger gets.

You can also get the Total Man desk pulley system to add straight out hanging to your downwards hanging. It’s also really well designed.

I’m not sure why you would be getting infections from vacuum hangers. Are you interested in troubleshooting that? Somebody might be able to help you figure it out.

Rock out with your cock out!

Right — I realize I missed that bit about not being able to use vac hangers.

The Bib hanger is one of the most popular compression hangers; I used mine for about 3 years (I still have it but probably won’t use it anymore). It’s a solid device & was worth the cost.

One of best parts of the Bib hanger was the direct support he sometimes gave me on his forum.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

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