Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Brickzilla's "formula"

Brickzilla's "formula"

(I don’t know if this is the right forum to publish this thread, please correct me if I’m wrong.)

I recently saw a "Brickzilla" video and I was wondering:

"HOW?? I want my D to be like that (or close)"

I don’t know how many inches he has but that thing is not normal, and seeing the women’s faces enjoying that, made me think "I want mine to be as big or close".

I searched his name here but there is not a single thread talking about it.

Does anyone know what his "secret formula" is? What he did to be able to get those results? Like, exercises, pumping, injections, supplements, etc?


Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

Definitely surgery, pumping, injections and

Cock rings. I’ve personally seen him with cock rings on and he pumps before every video.

I’d just like to comment that he is huge but I don’t see girls enjoying him

11/14/2015 NBP 6 x5 1/8 -> 4/25/16- NBP 6 3/8 x5.5

Restart 3/24 @ 7.25BPEL / 6.5nbp/ 5 3/8 meg

1/10/25 @ 8.25/ 7.25nbp/ 5.375meg

Originally Posted by

I do believe genetics are a major factor, but to get that big? He definitely did something

Originally Posted by feh96

I do believe genetics are a major factor, but to get that big? He definitely did something

Even though he was doing "something" it was clear that he already had a huge penis.

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