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Experiences With Girth Loss During Length Work?

Experiences With Girth Loss During Length Work?


Just wanted to hear y’all’s experiences (if any) with the loss of length from stretching. It seems lately all my stretching work causes loss in girth. I hit 7.5NBP but then also 5.25MEG! When I went from 7.125 to 7.25 I lost girth and went from 5.5 to 5.375 +-.05 and now that I’m teetering between 7.375 and 7.25 everytime I’m closer to 7.375 my girth reflects a negative change to between 5.25 and 5.375.

I didn’t think it was normal to lose girth when gaining length? I am concerned because volumetrically speaking… girth is more important right now so I’m not sure if I should continue doing length work until I reach my goal short term goal of 7.75 or stop now and focus more on girth work.

I’m hesitant to do both at the same time. If I did I would stretch for 30 min, jelq + clamp + squeezes, then stretch for 30 min. But I feel like this is too tiring for my penis to do and I might end up stiffening my tissues

11/14/2015 NBP 6 x5 1/8 -> 4/25/16- NBP 6 3/8 x5.5

Restart 3/24 @ 7.25BPEL / 6.5nbp/ 5 3/8 meg

1/10/25 @ 8.25/ 7.25nbp/ 5.375meg

You might try either soft clamping with silicone toe shields or some regular light-to-moderate intensity pumping. Both of these can help ‘fill in’ the cavernosa with more tissue. This could help with holding onto girth while getting longer and shouldn’t be too much of a stimulus to recover from.

Personally I like soft clamping with toe shields for this. 1-2 10 minute sets 3-4 times a week and I think you might be covered. If it doesn’t work it won’t set you back.

Let me know if you would like more details in case you haven’t thought about it before.

Rock out with your cock out!

Hi Rebel,

yeah, it’s definitely strange to experience this variable volumetric difference between length and circumference. Hold on for more replies, maybe someone who’s dealt with this before can give you better advice.

[NEW START 2025] NBPEL need to evaluate (x") • MSEG need to evaluate (y")


Originally Posted by tenaciousD
You might try either soft clamping with silicone toe shields or some regular light-to-moderate intensity pumping. Both of these can help ‘fill in’ the cavernosa with more tissue. This could help with holding onto girth while getting longer and shouldn’t be too much of a stimulus to recover from.

Personally I like soft clamping with toe shields for this. 1-2 10 minute sets 3-4 times a week and I think you might be covered. If it doesn’t work it won’t set you back.

Let me know if you would like more details in case you haven’t thought about it before.

And to be clear, you recommend continuing to do stretching on top of the soft clamping routine?

11/14/2015 NBP 6 x5 1/8 -> 4/25/16- NBP 6 3/8 x5.5

Restart 3/24 @ 7.25BPEL / 6.5nbp/ 5 3/8 meg

1/10/25 @ 8.25/ 7.25nbp/ 5.375meg

Yeah, I was thinking keep your length training and add some girth work to fill out again.

Or you could focus on girth for a while if that feels more comfortable.

Pumping at the right vacuum pressure and soft clamping should help with increasing erectile tissue and EQ. Pumping around 7inHg for 7-10 minutes or soft clamp with stacked silicone toe rings for 10 minute sets (no more because you want just enough hypoxia to induce cell growth signaling, but too much and you can cause other issues) will not only help with girth but also EQ.

Rock out with your cock out!

I ordered a python 3 clamp from m9 hoping to get better girth sessions in. I think I give myself anxiety about gripping my dick too strongly and my dick ends up turtling half way thru my sessions and no amount of edging will bring it back. I guess I’m just going to go back to length for now… it just scares me seeing my girth go down like there’s seemingly no limit to how much I can shrink girth wise if I keep gaining length. Not sure if that’s the case or not but I am concerned now that the last few weeks despite getting that odd 7.5nbp and 5.25girth I’m measuring more 7.125-7.25 and 5.25 girth?!

Not sure what to do really. I’m concerned if I take a break now I’m at risk of losing the progress I’ve made stretching out my scar tissue as well as maybe even shrink further as a result of trauma repairing shorter instead of longer with no active exercise promoting expansion…

Sad I might have to revise my stats down. Really frustrating that for the past 6 months I haven’t really gained anything volumetrically if I consider losing girth in exchange for length. Maybe I’m at least cementing my gains? But I doubt it since I’m actively losing girth 😭

11/14/2015 NBP 6 x5 1/8 -> 4/25/16- NBP 6 3/8 x5.5

Restart 3/24 @ 7.25BPEL / 6.5nbp/ 5 3/8 meg

1/10/25 @ 8.25/ 7.25nbp/ 5.375meg

Is this common? I’ve asked about it before and I think the consensus was that it doesn’t happen, but here it is. I’m in the boat of actively wanting a bit of girth loss and substantial length gains.

Originally Posted by boner7484
Is this common? I’ve asked about it before and I think the consensus was that it doesn’t happen, but here it is. I’m in the boat of actively wanting a bit of girth loss and substantial length gains.

Unfortunately it seems to be my reality

11/14/2015 NBP 6 x5 1/8 -> 4/25/16- NBP 6 3/8 x5.5

Restart 3/24 @ 7.25BPEL / 6.5nbp/ 5 3/8 meg

1/10/25 @ 8.25/ 7.25nbp/ 5.375meg

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