Newbie needs some encouraging words
I have tried to start up PE multiple times, but never manage to stick to it. My initial measurements are 6.75 BPEL * 5.75 EG (17.7 cubic inches Volume). From what I have read that is somewhat above average. My goal is to achieve 8.0 - 8.5 BPEL * 6.25 - 6.5 EG (28 cubic inches Volume) . My problem has been that I have never been able to stick it out with PE. I’ll get a couple of weeks into the Newbie Routine and then stop even though I have seen gains before that dissipate after I stop, I just feel like such a moron for committing my time to this instead of hanging out with my friends, learning to play the guitar, or just going out to looking for women.
However, I really do want to stick it out achieve a larger penis. For some reason I’ve had a streak of women which a fairly accommodatingly and generally just make me feel like a hot dog in a hallway lol, funny but true. Anyway I have had sex with a good amount of women and know that if I was a bit larger it would not hurt the situation, I would also like to increase my stamina and I hear PE is good for that. Besides all of this could be my back up occupation as a porn star lol.
Just the truth of it is I want some people to tell me how they manage to stick it out at first? The time commitment, the lightly sore hands and penis, and just in general handling the idea that you are waisting 45 minutes a day trying to enlarge your shlong lol.