Trigger point therapist in NY?
Hi I’m new to this forum and not entirely sure if I’m allowed to ask this question, so if I’m not please let me know. I have a mild hard flaccid, it comes and goes. It does not prevent me from getting or keeping an erection, but it does make jelqing extremely difficult because its almost impossible for me to keep penis in soft spongy state when I jelq, and I’m jelqing mildly.
I would like to know if anyone can recommend a trigger point therapist in NYC that is familiar with hard flaccid. Its an embarrassing thing to talk about with a physical therapist and I’m sure it will be even more embarrassing if the physical therapist has not heard of the phenomenon before. Also, besides from my attempt to reduce the humiliation, I would like to go to a physical therapist that has successfully helped others cure their condition. Thank you so much for any help.