I first came across information about PE a couple of years ago. You know, the email saying how you dick is unfit, etc, etc? I looked at it, and to tell you the truth, the website I saw (and I can’t remember which one it was) didn’t sound very real to me. They had testimonials from guys saying how they added “2 inches in 3 weeks!” and the like, and it made me very suspect. MY thinking was that if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.
Cut to the middle of this past December. Through my travels on the web, I came across free pe advice, and it sounded MUCH more realistic, and it seemed almost like a fraternity of men, adivising and supporting each other. Figured I’d least see what it was about, and have to say that I like how people are treated around here.
At that time, I thought, hmm, let’s measure and see exactly where I am in the scale of things. I’m not what anybody would call big, at 6 3/4” by 6.25”, but to me if you can improve yourself, why not go for it. I’ve been doing this since the end of December now, and the wifey commented a few days ago. We were about to get busy, and she was grabbing at me, you know? When she kinda stops, gets this odd look on her face and says, “You’re bigger. I swear to God you feel bigger.” She looked down and said, “Wow… It really does seem like it”. She looked quite perplexed, and wondered my it was veinier than it was previously.
I guess that means things are working so good, so far. I haven’t remeasured, because a watched pot never boils, so to speak. From what I’ve read it seems that this is a process that takes time, so I’m going to wait awhile to see how much progress I make.
Anyhow, that’s basically MY story. Thanks alot!