Wood or plastic?
just curious if you’re using the plastic pipe…sooo much more pleasant then the wood dowel.
also have you had any experience of overdoing it? guys in this forum pretty much chewed my ass when i introduced and raved about the drumsticks, like they were hearing loud snapping sounds from everyone’s dick’s popping off. i wondered if my dick was just that much stronger, or whether perhaps i could trust people to respect their own enough to pay attention and use common sense (tall order, granted)
seriously: sticks/pipes allow you to apply a tremendous amount of pressure. possible uglies (all temporary) include burst caps in head (red spots), bruises, vein bulge (thrombosis; thanks thunder: take an aspirin a day and it goes away) - i’d love to hear more experience from a newbie. send a private msg if you want to.
i’ve found the biggest danger is getting aroused and carried away; the blood that should be in your brain goes to your dick instead, with the usual lapses in perception.