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Best Extender - Few Questions

Best Extender - Few Questions

This week I got my best extender and started using it. It’s the first time I ever had.

1. Tutorial online says/shows I should take my balls with the penis inside the base of the extender but I find this difficult, kinda low space for penis when the ball sack goes in there. Is that true that it should be done this way?

2. After a session top of glands is reddish due the fact that it sticks deep inside vacuum cup.
Also on the widest place of the glands I can see some discolorations/ darkening of the tissue. It goes away when I remove the glands but it looks weird.
Is that normal for adaptation process? I am using 1 or 2 kg for max 15/20 mins as I am starting.

START 10.2024 ==== 5.9 BPEL x 4.33 MEG (15 cm x 11 cm) ====

My PE journey

Originally Posted by galander
This week I got my best extender and started using it. It’s the first time I ever had.

1. Tutorial online says/shows I should take my balls with the penis inside the base of the extender but I find this difficult, kinda low space for penis when the ball sack goes in there. Is that true that it should be done this way?

2. After a session top of glands is reddish due the fact that it sticks deep inside vacuum cup.
Also on the widest place of the glands I can see some discolorations/ darkening of the tissue. It goes away when I remove the glands but it looks weird.
Is that normal for adaptation process? I am using 1 or 2 kg for max 15/20 mins as I am starting.

1. You can use the extender behind or in front of your scrotum, whatever is most comfortable. You might even switch back and forth during a longer, more intense session to change the spot the base puts pressure on.

2. (BTW, not to be that guy, but it’s the glans, not the glands.) The transient discoloration is not only no problem, it’s totally expected. You’re pulling vacuum on the glans with the vacuum cup, which pulls blood into the tissue and prevents some amount of venous return. So the redness is some combination of mild, transient inflammation and mild, transient blood capture, and the darkening is related to transient venous stasis in the small, superficial veins of the glans, both of which should resolve quickly after removing the vacuum. As long as it resolves in a couple of minutes it isn’t worth thinking about.

If you get petechiae (little red dots that don’t go away in a few minutes) or bruising, then you might need to either condition your tissues a bit more before pulling as much tension, or revise your vacuum cup setup technique. Same with blisters, if they happen.

Good luck, and congrats on getting a nice piece of equipment for your training.

Rock out with your cock out!

We Gala!

I’m also considering purchasing the "Best Extender," and I’m not sure what advice to give you. However, I saw in your main thread that you’ve already started using it, and I hope it helps you both gain centimeters and get comfortable with the device!

[NEW START 2025] NBPEL need to evaluate (x") • MSEG need to evaluate (y")


Originally Posted by tenaciousD
1. You can use the extender behind or in front of your scrotum, whatever is most comfortable. You might even switch back and forth during a longer, more intense session to change the spot the base puts pressure on.

2. (BTW, not to be that guy, but it’s the glans, not the glands.) The transient discoloration is not only no problem, it’s totally expected. You’re pulling vacuum on the glans with the vacuum cup, which pulls blood into the tissue and prevents some amount of venous return. So the redness is some combination of mild, transient inflammation and mild, transient blood capture, and the darkening is related to transient venous stasis in the small, superficial veins of the glans, both of which should resolve quickly after removing the vacuum. As long as it resolves in a couple of minutes it isn’t worth thinking about.

If you get petechiae (little red dots that don’t go away in a few minutes) or bruising, then you might need to either condition your tissues a bit more before pulling as much tension, or revise your vacuum cup setup technique. Same with blisters, if they happen.

Good luck, and congrats on getting a nice piece of equipment for your training.

1. That’s actually great, switching is gonna be sort of a compromise for me. I need more time with the extender to get to know it better though.
2. I never knew the spelling, so thanks! My English got a little bit rusty throughout the years and only recently started to use it more common.

That’s great what you say, to be honest I got worried when I saw darkening for the first time. It’s good that isn’t a problem and perfectly normal.
However I definitely need to work with the vacuum cup setup technique. I just had to remove it because for some reason I was loosing vacuum and eventually, somehow, shaft on my penis, inside the sleeve (outside the cup) started to hurt me. When I removed the sleeve immediately, my penis was colder and I had sort of a mark on the shaft where I felt the pain. It looked like I took a blunt knife and touched the penis there.

For safety reason I will take a day or two off and try again but from what I can see, mastering the vacuum cup and proper setup with the sleeve is essential. No reason to push the limit with time inside the extender until I get everything right.
I am using thick balsam as a protection of the glans but maybe I should move to tapering. Didn’t figured it out yet.

Thanks for the reply!

Originally Posted by ImNormoEquipped
We Gala!

I’m also considering purchasing the "Best Extender," and I’m not sure what advice to give you. However, I saw in your main thread that you’ve already started using it, and I hope it helps you both gain centimeters and get comfortable with the device!

Thanks! For now I can’t give any advice and/or rate the extender, when I will spend some time in it and eventually learn everything this should change:)

START 10.2024 ==== 5.9 BPEL x 4.33 MEG (15 cm x 11 cm) ====

My PE journey

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