Hanging Beginner
Hi guys, as per my title I am a hanging initiate. I started on April 22 with 1kg and then increased by 0.5kg each week, I had a few weeks of inconsistency and even skipped one completely due to too many university commitments. I have come to the present day that I have not seen a single improvement (but I think it is still early to see them) and I have reached 2.5kg with which I do hanging with of two sets for 20 minutes interspersed with 10 minutes break. I am reading several forums where 3 sets are recommended, but I between commitments and little desire to employ 3 sets I always do two. Do you recommend that I always aim for the 3 sets or is even two okay? I would have so many questions to ask that I don’t really know where to start. I also read that 1 set of 20 minutes is fine, but everyone says to take at least 10 hours/week. I look forward to hearing from you, thanks for the clarification