Low Or High Tension For Gains?
I’ve seen many mention low tension for longer durations. What about high tension for shorter durations of time like say an hour? Reason I’m asking is because I’ve added another bar to my QEP extender and since I did that the device now compresses to the second line. I’m also feeling a noticeable pull on my shaft from the tension increasing. Is that bad? Meaning bad in terms of the tension being too high and therefore should I worry about my penis toughening up by keeping it at this line? I don’t want to lose any future gains so I wanna go about this as careful and accurate as as possible. I’m under the impression if I’m not feeling any pull (tension) on my shaft from the extender than I won’t get any new gains? The tension doesn’t hurt btw. Just is very noticeable like I know it’s there and I can absolutely feel the difference. I mainly want to know how I can tell what high tension should feel like, therefore so I can know what to avoid so I don’t kill any future potential gains.