Thunder's Place

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Low Or High Tension For Gains?

Low Or High Tension For Gains?

I’ve seen many mention low tension for longer durations. What about high tension for shorter durations of time like say an hour? Reason I’m asking is because I’ve added another bar to my QEP extender and since I did that the device now compresses to the second line. I’m also feeling a noticeable pull on my shaft from the tension increasing. Is that bad? Meaning bad in terms of the tension being too high and therefore should I worry about my penis toughening up by keeping it at this line? I don’t want to lose any future gains so I wanna go about this as careful and accurate as as possible. I’m under the impression if I’m not feeling any pull (tension) on my shaft from the extender than I won’t get any new gains? The tension doesn’t hurt btw. Just is very noticeable like I know it’s there and I can absolutely feel the difference. I mainly want to know how I can tell what high tension should feel like, therefore so I can know what to avoid so I don’t kill any future potential gains.

Try doing some shorter sets at high tension then the long sets in low right after. Mix some high tension along the day, just make sure you do 2 hours of low tension or more after each high tension set. It should boost results.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

for me, low tension over amore time was less injury risk & gave me more gains… I gained 0.875" last year with vac ADS / low tension (probably similar tension to an extedner).

In contrast, my first few years of PE was mostly compression hanging / high tension and I gained 0.75" over those few years.

So for me, 1 year of low tension but more time yielded better results than 3 years of much higher tension (and stil significant time; I was up to 6 sets of 20 minutes at the peak of my compression hanging). With the ADS I peaked at 2.5 hour sessions, until injuries forced me to reset.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

Originally Posted by redmorsilla
Try doing some shorter sets at high tension then the long sets in low right after. Mix some high tension along the day, just make sure you do 2 hours of low tension or more after each high tension set. It should boost results.

Appreciate the response! So if by adding that extra bar and it made the device compress down to the middle line (out of the 3 lines) is that considered high tension? Should I just remove the bar and twist the rods at the end instead to lengthen the device or will that still be considered high tension? Forgive my lack of knowledge. Even though I’ve been doing this off and on for 4 years, apparently I still have more to learn

Originally Posted by blink2000
For me, low tension over amore time was less injury risk & gave me more gains. I gained 0.875" last year with vac ADS / low tension (probably similar tension to an extedner).

In contrast, my first few years of PE was mostly compression hanging / high tension and I gained 0.75" over those few years.

So for me, 1 year of low tension but more time yielded better results than 3 years of much higher tension (and stil significant time; I was up to 6 sets of 20 minutes at the peak of my compression hanging). With the ADS I peaked at 2.5 hour sessions, until injuries forced me to reset.

Awesome. Thanks for the tips. I asked the other guy but I’ll ask you as well. Since I added another bar my device now compresses down to the middle line (out of the 3 lines) is that considered high tension and should I remove the bar and twist the rods at the end to make the screw longer and lengthen the device instead or will that still be considered high tension? Like I mentioned to the other guy I’ve still much to learn lol definetely lacking complete knowledge in the whole extender area. I know the basics (heat, stretch to BPFSL, remove from glans when circulation cuts off, etc) still trying to learn more about tension though. I don’t want to toughen my penis and make it impossible to grow any more as I’ve already grown an inch since starting and plan to grow more

Also years ago I don’t remember if it was this forum or Pegym but I remember more guys saying that hanging with weights won’t cement your gains but extending will. Now I’m seeing more guys saying here that extending doesn’t really cement your gains and you have to keep up with it to keep results? Just conflicts with what I read years ago from others. Just wondering if you can cement the gains. I don’t feel like I’ve lost much or anything at all and I took a break for a few years and just started up again December 2nd of last year, but like I said others here have been mentioning here that you can’t cement gains with an extender so I’m a little confused

No, for high tension you might want to use a hanger. And you’ll have to work your way to a load of 4 to 5kg. Which would take some time (around 3 months maybe since you already are working with tension. I recommend hanging as it stretches differently, then the ADS at low tension, only enough to keep your tool elongated. I actually think my homemade ADS made with an old penis sheath was way more comfortable than any ADS and still got to make for a 750 gram pull which I could use all day and night (didn’t cut a hole through the bed so I didn’t do it at night time. But I got seriously tempted to though lol).

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

Originally Posted by redmorsilla
No, for high tension you might want to use a hanger. And you’ll have to work your way to a load of 4 to 5kg. Which would take some time (around 3 months maybe since you already are working with tension. I recommend hanging as it stretches differently, then the ADS at low tension, only enough to keep your tool elongated. I actually think my homemade ADS made with an old penis sheath was way more comfortable than any ADS and still got to make for a 750 gram pull which I could use all day and night (didn’t cut a hole through the bed so I didn’t do it at night time. But I got seriously tempted to though lol).

I don’t have enough privacy to do hanging so I prefer extending with the QEP. But to answer my question does the second line on the metal rod on the side indicate high tension or is it just something that normally happens as you add a certain amount of bars? My goal isn’t high tension. I’m willing to go low. I just noticed more of a pull on my shaft in the extender so I’m curious to if that means I’m stretching with high tension now

Sounds like you’ve got this brother. The "problem" with too much tension, too soon, is that you might get a "tug-back" effect.
I’m using the Phallosan+ and the most tension I get from it after screwing the bars all the way out is at the mid-strip just like you do too.

It goes green, yellow and red for tension and I’m right at the yellow marker which produces somewhere around 1500- 2000 grams of force. Have used several noose style extenders in the past and almost always went for high tension and got very little gains and ended up with a sore right behind my glands from the noose digging into the skin due to too much tension despite having covered the noose with medical grade foam.
The best gains I ever got from a noose extender was from the AndroPenis Extender when I had it at the lowest tension for the first few months of wearing it.

So in my experience it’s time under tension that matter the most, so go for more hours/time instead of max tension and lesser time.

Originally Posted by Sc2187
I don’t have enough privacy to do hanging so I prefer extending with the QEP. But to answer my question does the second line on the metal rod on the side indicate high tension or is it just something that normally happens as you add a certain amount of bars? My goal isn’t high tension. I’m willing to go low. I just noticed more of a pull on my shaft in the extender so I’m curious to if that means I’m stretching with high tension now

I’m going quite light tension in my extender too and after 1,5- 2 hours straight wearing it it almost feels like my shaft is about tear, which is good as you then both feel and know your penis is getting properly stretched/worked out.

The most important aspect of using an Extender is how much time under tension you get. As in how many hours a day as you can manage to wear it and of course how much time you’ve got available to wear it everyday. Luckily enough I’ve got a lot of free time these days.

And the best thing about extending is that I can read my books and practice my German and Spanish(I’m Norwegian btw)all while at the same time growing my penis bigger.

Originally Posted by Slumpy
Sounds like you’ve got this brother. The "problem" with too much tension, too soon, is that you might get a "tug-back" effect.
I’m using the Phallosan+ and the most tension I get from it after screwing the bars all the way out is at the mid-strip just like you do too.

It goes green, yellow and red for tension and I’m right at the yellow marker which produces somewhere around 1500- 2000 grams of force. Have used several noose style extenders in the past and almost always went for high tension and got very little gains and ended up with a sore right behind my glands from the noose digging into the skin due to too much tension despite having covered the noose with medical grade foam.
The best gains I ever got from a noose extender was from the AndroPenis Extender when I had it at the lowest tension for the first few months of wearing it.

So in my experience it’s time under tension that matter the most, so go for more hours/time instead of max tension and lesser time.

So I’m still supppsed to feel some sort of tension in order to feel gains or I won’t get any gains at all correct? I still can’t tell if what I’m feeling is considered too much. What’s a good indicator that I’m stretching with high tension? Is it pain? I’m not feeling any pain if so. Ig my biggest issue is determining if I’m truly stretching with high tension or not. For all I know it can be considered moderate tension. Forgive me, I’ve still much to learn lol not as knowledgeable as most of you. Thanks for the responses btw, I appreciate it

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