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Starting again.

Starting again.

Good day. I’ve been on my PE journey for a couple of years now. I have intermittently stopped and started through the years, but I’m back full-time again and I have to say, I am enjoying it. Since starting again, I have gained a little, but have not cemented those gains yet. I started all this way back in 2013, and have gained a whole lot. Currently, I’m between 8.2-8.5 BPEL depending on EQ. My current routine is the following.

Warm-up 10-minute hot wrap
Stretches- 30-second stretch in each direction (straight out, down, up, left, and right)
1st pump- 8-minute pump session. I don’t have a gauge, so just go on feeling.
Jelq- I follow the pumping session up with 100 jelqs.
2nd Pump- Another 8-minute pump session.
Jelq- Another 100 jelqs.
3rd pump- 8 minutes again.
Jelq- 100 jelqs.
Edge- After everything I work in a 30-minute edging session. This is especially difficult after all the pumping and jelqing because the glands are super sensitive by this point.
Warm down- Warm down with a hot shower.

That’s my routine at the moment. I want to stick with it for about three months and then change it up a bit, but nothing drastic. Currently, my first change would be a bigger pump, because I’m bottoming out my cylinder. But in my country, they are very expensive, so first have to save up.

Let me know what you guys think. I am currently seeing gains with it so I will stick with it.

Seeing some good progress with this routine. Going to keep it up. Increasing reps little by little starting tonight. Will see what I can handle.

Originally Posted by Allaloneagain
That’s my routine at the moment. I want to stick with it for about three months and then change it up a bit, but nothing drastic.

Sounds reasonable. You’re not running into edema problems by alternating pumping and jelquing?

Currently, my first change would be a bigger pump, because I’m bottoming out my cylinder. But in my country, they are very expensive, so first have to save up.

You might try looking for some plastic pipe slightly larger than your pump tube and graft on an extension with epoxy, smoothing out the inside as needed. You might also look for clear plastic tubing of the right diameter on eBay. Note: "pipe" is dimensioned on the inside, "tubing" is dimensioned on the outside. You would have to glue a top and put a hose fitting on the end, but a lot of guys here did that when tubes were very expensive.

Slight edema problems, but I have found that with a 2 on, one off routine along with taking weekends off, it doesn’t really become a real problem for me. I’m not having sex, and also never masturbate, so that might also assist with everything. I will try to get myself a bigger tube like that. Thanks. Problem is I will have to borrow tools seeing as my ex stole all mine.

Okay. So the real test will come this weekend. An old flame is coming over, and I’m sure something will happen. I’m pretty sure I have gained, but since I haven’t officially measured yet, I can’t say. But I’m pretty sure that she will let me know if something has changed. So hopefully I will be back after the weekend with good news.

What was your size back in 2013?

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