Something weird happened today, I decided to wake up before work and do my hanging session. 4 am got up and went to my set up, did my pre measure and it read 19 cm on the first pull which I was super odd, I couldn’t replicate it. I felt like I was in the same spot as normal but maybe I slipped underneath the pelvic bone some. I also forgot to mention I never cut off the dead zone on the ruler so there’s ~3mm before it starts counting, but I still just use the numbers on the ruler.
I added 10 minutes to the heat portion of the work out today. I keep anticipating the gains to slow but everything seems pretty consistent. Want to try and get another two weeks so I will be trying to take the proper time off going forward to avoid over straining myself.
Feb 27th
15 mins @ 2.5lbs
35 mins @ 3.5lb w/ heat
10 mins @ 4.5 no heat
18.5 cm - 18.9 cm 2.16% strain
Feb 27th
15 mins @ 2.5lbs
45 mins @ 3.5lb w/ heat (added 10 mins)
10 mins @ 4.5lb no heat
18.6 cm - 19 cm 2.16% strain
I hope everyone had a great start to their week!