Hello, everybody.
I’ve been ferociously reading this thread for a long time because, while reading Rahman’s story about Reverse Kegels, I had gained hope and became super-excited about his extraordinary progress in curing P.E. Before continuing with information about me, I want to thank Rahman so much for his contribution and, above all, for giving me hope.
Now, some short background information about me: I am 21 years old, became sexualy active with my gf a year ago. The first couple of times I lasted very short (about 10 seconds to 1 minute) and I tought that’s common, regarding my inexperience. But, as time passed and after many sexual encounters, I was still lasting very short, hence my self-diagnosis that I have P.E. I rushed masturbation to porn since I was 15 because of fear of being caught in a crowded home. Last encounter with gf I only lasted 10 seconds in doggy style, and immediately after, only 20 seconds with her on top. I always felt strong and numerous involuntary kegels during sex and during masturbation. Every time I have sex or masturbate, I can feel my PC muscle involuntarily kegeling and it feels like pushing against my prostate and rushing PONR in seconds.
After reading Rahman’s story, I decided to give Reverse Kegels a try and also stop watching porn. I began 3 days ago and things are going so-so: regular kegels ? No problem, I have never done a kegel routine before but I can effortlessly clench the muscle for about 10 seconds. But with reverse kegels I only feel that ,,push” in front penile muscles when I hold my breath in.
I am doing Rahman’s routine: 15-20 Rk’s, 10 sec. Holds, daily and 5 regular kegels Mondays and Thursdays.
1) Is it ok to hold my breath, or should I be doing the reverse kegel push while breathing in and out ?
2) How long after you started did you see results in lasting longer, Rahman ?
4) Should the reverse kegels be done in a specific part of the day or can they be done at any hour during the day ?
3) Am I on the right path ?
Btw, one strange thing happened to me last night: after I finished the RK routine and was lying down on the bed, I felt like my entire penis area went quiet, inactive, in a sort of ultra-relaxed state. Usually, when I touched the head of the penis it would get erect instantly and I would have a strong involuntary kegel. But when I touched the head of the penis last night , I was shocked because there was no involuntary kegel !! I tried to get it erect and it got erect a bit slower, but in a relaxed, paced kind of way. Could this whole incident be a good sign that I’m doing the RK routine right and that it works ??
Thank you, Rahman, and also thanks to anyone that contributed here. All advice was really the boost that I needed.