Renholder you are correct. However tumors causing excess prolactin will cause it to raise to the 1,000’s. Imagine how shitty THAT would feel.
The things that nuke prolactin from the 25 range down to zero or one, are bromocriptine and cabergoline. Both RX drugs, but easily found online, also not hard to get a prescription for, so try and go that route. Can’t imagine many doctors not letting a patient try them if you bring some literature on what they do and how they can be used off label as mood brighteners (raising dopamine) and making sex better, for a 10$ a month prescription (insurance is 5x more likely to cover bromocriptine than cabergoline FYI) Both work well, but 2.5 mg of bromo is basically the same as .5 mg of caber, however caber only needs to be taken 3 times a week as bromo is every night, and DO take these at night, I assure you.
In the end, we will all always be here to talk and help you. But it comes down to you really hauling ass and finding a doc that will cooperate with your needs, and also know the safe way to get guys hormones roaring the right way, as we were intended to do so as humans. If you have any other questions, please post them here. I don’t like PM’s for many reasons, the most being other people cannot learn from them.