Je suis de retour. ;)
Début mars, j’ai repris assidûment pendant deux mois (tous les jours sauf le dimanche)
Je ne sais pas si j’ai mal pris mes dimensions mais maintenant, j’ai une longueur d’un peu plus de 18 cm mais je reste coincé à 11 cm en circonférence.
C’est assez frustrant parce que je ne veux plus gagner en longueur. Un pénis de 20 cm ne m’intéresse pas vraiment.
Que puis-je faire pour faire un vrai focus sur la circonférence s’il vous plait ?
Je suis tombé sur le monster girth 101 sur reddit mais je ne comprends pas l’exercice
Overall girth increase:
Modified Jelqing. This is NOT your normal jelqing with reps, strokes, etc. FORGET about counting the reps or trying to actually complete a rep. The key is using your lubed OK grip, kegeling in blood, closing your grip and repeating until you are about 90% full. Once its mostly full but not stiff, slowly move the the OK grip up the shaft until you feel pressure, which will cause a slightly painful stretching sensation. The lower on the shaft (toward the base) you create pressure, the more of the shaft will experience expansion. Hold that as long as you can (30 seconds, until your hand tires, etc), then repeat or switch hands. Do 5 minutes on, 5 minutes off to massage the tissues and regain circulation. The expansion this creates is very noticeable and produces decent fluid buildup, with the head, etc bloating significantly. Should you experience red dots like pin pricks on the shaft, that’s normal and will increase the more the pressure is increased.
Merci !
Last edited by Graal : 05-23-2019 at . Reason: Hors sujet