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Fire-starter exercise as warm up before PE

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Fire-starter exercise as warm up before PE

Hi guys, have you ever heard of this exercise?

I read a discussion about it about PE…. … er-updated.html and it’s said to work great, but I did not understand the indications.

Is there anyone who knows how to do it or who can explain it to me? Thank you all.

Ultima modifica di MartelloDiThor : 08-02-2021 .

No link ad altro materiale pe, soprattutto se proveniente da un altro forum.

Sei sulla sezione italiana, perchè scrivi in inglese?

Chiudo, per chiarimenti contattami in PM.

18/09/12...: BPEL 17,3 - NBPEL 15,0 - MSEG 11,9

2015.: BPEL 20,5 - NBPEL 18,5 - MSEG 13,0🔝🔝 TODAY: BPEL 20,0 - NBPEL 18,0 - MSEG ???.

Goal..........: BPEL 22,0 - NBPEL 20,0 - MSEG 15,0

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