Thunder's Place

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First Injury - Thrombosed Vein w 2 clots


First Injury - Thrombosed Vein w 2 clots

I’m an idiot. Okay, okay, so I hurt myself for the first time.

I believe I have a thrombosed vein or a lymphatic clot of some sort.
Anyway, it’s on a very small vein situated basically next to my large dorsal vein.
There’s a little clot in the vein about an 1.5 inches from the base, and there’s a smaller clot (or calcification) a little below the base. The smaller one is really hard to find but it’s on the same vein. The whole vein feel stringey and solid, like a guitar string.
I feel confident that it’ll get better, and even if it doesn’t that it’s not a very important vein, but I’ve been pretty down over this.
There’s a little pain, especially in the space between the two clots (where the vein feels thinner).

I found this injury about 6 days ago, around when it started hurting as well. It hurts most when I tug at my shaft.
First I ignored it, thinking it was temporary, then I felt around and found the clotted vein.

What I’m doing about it.
- Taking 2 325 mg aspirin around noon.
- Using moist heat pad for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times/day
- Using EVO after the heat compress

Any other ideas, aside from drinking loads of water?
I really hope this problem goes away.
I made an appointment with a urologist, but it’s March 2nd! That’s three weeks from now!

How I Got It:
Okay, I’ll be honest.. I was using a pump. I stuck to around 5-6 hg for a week and then the pain started.

My routine pre-injury:
- 5-10 mins warmup with heat pad
- 10 minutes stretch
- 10 minutes pump
- 15 minutes jelq
- Shower or few minutes heat pad.

I would milk the pump and sometimes put it in my heating pad.
The pump was a LAPdist cylinder and pump, with gauge.

I’m so ridiculously pissed off at this point.. Hopefully everything will be fine, I really hope I don’t lose this vein!
Anyone got any advice?
Should I not massage it/masterbate/have sex?
Can anything be done if it doesn’t clear up after a month?


Damn, that’s no good man. This help remind me why I should take it easy in the beginning.
I hope all goes well for you though.

How do you know if you have thrombosed vein? Sorry to take away from you, I’m just curious so that I know in case of anything.q

Current 2/17/06 BPEL: 6.5" EG: 5.5" Goal: BPEL: 8.0" EG 6.5"

Aaargh…Schhhh. Stop man.

Find the spot where the vein is clotted, and do not eat such big load of aspirin, 500mg is enough.

Rub the hard Pearl like spot where the vein is clotted, gently… Give it a rest. Eat some aspirin, only 500mg, rub and give hot bath, feel it pop and give it a rest. Repeat until it is healed… Do not PE until the pearl like parts of the vein are completely gone.

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

I agree with Northpole,

Take a hot bath and massage area back towards your body. You may feel a pop or a release. I found I get them if I pump my penis up big and then toss off. So dont jerk off afterwards.

Anyway continue till healed.

Refrain from touching area for as long as you can when healed.

Then start off slow this time around.

Good luck.

Just in case what you were just reading didn’t sink in everything above will help.

I’m on what is a two month break now owing to discolouration and a second blocked vessel (presumed lymph). If you have a full break you’re much better off in the long run, and seriously no wacking off after PE if you feel those lumps!

Criot, how long have you been pumping?

Hey, all..

Sorry for being MIA on this post. Anyway, I was only pumping for two weeks total when I got the injury.
Honestly, I didn’t think that I was overworking or anything. I figured pumping for ten minutes a day was fine.

Anyway, I have to pop it? Excuse me, but that really scares me. I can see massaging it, and perhaps tugging it a little, but should I squeeze it like a zit or something? I’m basically just worried that I’ll pop the vein. Can I be sure it’s a thrombosed vein, and not some sort of calcification? Can I be sure that it can even pop? What if there’s another clot that I can’t see or the second one (closer to the base) completely prevents blood flow?

If I don’t pop it, will the vein harden and die? I really don’t need less blood going to my meatstick.

I’m set up for a urologist meeting on the 27th. The urologist I’m meeting seems like an asshole, because I left a message for him explaining how worried I was about destroying the vein and he just told the nurse to tell me to go to the ER if I was worried. Jeez, thanks a lot doc.

Personally I would never try to “pop it”.

I have had many thrombosed veins and the lumps are always the first to go, usually within a few weeks. After that the veins are still hard and inelastic but hopefully the will heal and become soft and flexible again if you let them rest and stop PE.

In my opinion stretching and jelqing will aggravate them, some may disagree.

I had a nasty thrombosed vein on the dorsal side of the penis with many off shoots and lots of lumps. They completely healed after 14 weeks off PE.

I have a couple of thinner ones now and they are still there after 5 months of no PE, maybe they will never go but as much as I want to restart PE I have to be patient.

By the way I have been on Ibuprofen, Niacin, Nattokinase, heat wraps and they still have not cleared.

Update us on what your Urologist says.

No one is saying pop it. Its just the feeling of it releasing when massaging it.

Like I said it works for me and I am ok at the moment.

Good luck.

I’ve been pretty bad at keeping up with the EVO massage, hot wrap and aspirin.
I’m seeing a doctor about it in a week or so, and he’ll probably just tell me to not have sex until it’s better, which, you know, is just fantastic.

Basically, I want this vein fixed.. I don’t care if I have to go in for surgery and be out of commission for a month. That’s fine in my book, I just hope the Dr doesn’t say something like: “Yeah, the vein is secondary to sex. It’ll stop working, but probably won’t affect your woodie. Yeah, you’ll get less blood flow, but hey—sex is just about procreation so as long as you can get kinda hard and ejaculate, there should be no issue..

Yeah.. I’m paranoid and sleep deprived, but this is a real concern to me. Am I insane or is this something that’s happened to someone before?

Thanks all!

Originally Posted by criot
I’ve been pretty bad at keeping up with the EVO massage, hot wrap and aspirin.
I’m seeing a doctor about it in a week or so, and he’ll probably just tell me to not have sex until it’s better, which, you know, is just fantastic.

Basically, I want this vein fixed.. I don’t care if I have to go in for surgery and be out of commission for a month. That’s fine in my book, I just hope the Dr doesn’t say something like: “Yeah, the vein is secondary to sex. It’ll stop working, but probably won’t affect your woodie. Yeah, you’ll get less blood flow, but hey—sex is just about procreation so as long as you can get kinda hard and ejaculate, there should be no issue..

Yeah.. I’m paranoid and sleep deprived, but this is a real concern to me. Am I insane or is this something that’s happened to someone before?

Thanks all!

If it matters that much to you why not keep up with the EVO massage, hot wrap and aspirin, it is cheap enough.

I am sitting here typing this with a rice sock on my knob, it’s easy to do.

Let us know what your doctor says.

On a good note my thrombosed veins have never affected my erection quality, the veins were either on my foreskin or on the penis so the CC chambers still fill up fine.

Update on My Injury:

The thrombosed vein has changed a lot since my last post. The two clots on the base of the shaft are gone and most of the vein feels normal (not any guitar-string appearance). The bad news is that the clots just moved up to an inch below the glans on the left. It’s a lot smaller now though, and less painful, but it still hurts quite intensely when I pull the shaft skin forward.

So I saw the urologist on Monday, and they said what I already knew… just use aspirin and heat with gentle massage.
My health insurance is pretty great, so I didn’t have to pay much for the visit. The urologist was pretty crappy and he did very little to help me out. I asked him to test my cremastic reflex due to some hypertrophy I’ve had on my left testicle (non-PE related) and he didn’t really explain what he did very well…

Anyway, things are getting better and I expect to be fully recovered sometime in the next 2-3 weeks.

I’ve decided to start PEing very lightly again. I feel like the exercise with EVO will help speed recovery up. We’ll see if this theory is correct soon.

Almost back to PEing! Thanks everyone!

Start: 1/11/06, Committed:11/1/06, Measure: 6.3 BPEL, 5 EG

Goal: 7.3 BPEL

I too got one of these veins a while back but didn’t really think much of it. BIG MISTAKE. Now I can really appreciate how much people stress to take the newbie routine, instead of going overboard. I have so many of these so called T-Veins now, that the top portion of my dick looks as though it has a wire mesh covering it, there’s that many. Of course I’ve stopped PE completely now for about 2 months. Some of the earlier veins have now gone, but every morning and evening I have to “pop” this large pearl-like mass that just appears under the glans inside one of the veins. You can feel it disintergrate inside but it returns every day.


Currently not doing PE


That sounds nasty major.

What exercises were you doing that caused them?

The larger vein of mine healed first but I am left with 3 thinner ones that just wont heal after 5 1/2 months. They run lengthwise from the base so I can’t even think of stretching again until they heal.

As always, it follows the same newbie story. I went too hard too fast. Yes I did 3 months of the newbie routine, but I don’t think I was ready. I went straight into cable clamping :(


Currently not doing PE


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