Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Deusch / German

Deusch / German

Is there any idea of having a Thundersplace german language forum?
We have french, italian, spanish..

Im german and never fancied the german forums. Too much drama in the administrative parts.
But there are some very focused german guys who are into PE who might also post in english forums with some knwoledge.

I would love to participate or even moderate in a german thunders too.

Die Deutschen können sich ja mal in diesem Thread melden… ?

There is an idea to have forums in all languages, with instructions, videos etc.. The problem is that having a forum in a given language requires a hell of work. If you can find people willing to spend time and energy on this goal, we are all ears. :)

For example, the first step could be translating the PE manual and registering German audio files for PE videos.

Originally Posted by marinera
There is an idea to have forums in all languages, with instructions, videos etc.. The problem is that having a forum in a given language requires a hell of work. If you can find people willing to spend time and energy on this goal, we are all ears. :)

For example, the first step could be translating the PE manual and registering German audio files for PE videos.

Oh well that sounds like work :P but surely possible.

Are the other language forums the same as the main thunders forum? I mean I guess there are different ideas about PE..?..

Obviously its one community and many forums are influenced by thunders but there are different views, exercises and “hypes” that are not found elsewhere.

Ich würde wirklich gerne ein deutsches Forum zu haben!

4/16 BPEL 7.2 MSEG 6.0

1/17 BPEL 7.75 MSEG ~6.2 BEG 6.75

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