I don’t want to alarm you but I experienced that popping sensation probably 8-10 years ago while clamping. My spngiosum and glans went soft afterwards. It did not recover. But I will make the extremely embarrassing confession that I did not cease PE after that injury. Don’t do what I did. Let it rest, do not mess around with it.
Damn broda, so you are now having soft glans for 10 years??
You lost instantly your erection after the POP and had trouble urinating like I did? Also that itching sensation after the injury, did you experience that too
Sometimes the itch build up is so intense that gives spasms to my penis
Anyway I’m suspending the heat treatment (45° of soaking for 10min a day) since it gives me more itching and pain.
Figured it can be due to veins/arteries still damaged, heat isn’t good for them since it expands the vessels preventing recovery.
I’ve also noticed my glans’ CS in flaccid is more prominent now but still swelled up, glans is still extremely sensitive to the touch
What’s strange is that day after the injury I had a fairly normal erection but then it got progressively worse, now I’m having weaker morning woods with the CS almost flat.. I’m 4 weeks in at this point
But again it could be due to my intensive heat treatment
Last edited by Hypsilon : 11-21-2021 at .