Just had it happen to me today for the third time while doing some INTENSE clamping. Last time it happend to me was over two years ago. A little more blood came out than the last times it happened(probably due to being under clamp pressure) but stopped immediately once I took off the clamp. There was no pain.
Of key note…I did not do my usual 5-10 minute warm up with a heating pad.
From my experience, if the blood comes from the urethra, of small amount, stops bleeding almost immediately(if you stop pe’ing), and there is no pain(or very little) the injury isn’t as severe as one would assume(considering the amount of people on this thread who have suffered these same symptoms and have kept on gaining).
For anyone who doesn’t want to read the whole thread for some advice, I’ll throw in my 2 cents. Take a few weeks off to fully recover(some people say a few days, I’m just trying to be extra cautious). During your time off, do hot wraps once or twice a day. Not sure if it will help anything, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt.
Most importantly, be careful. Work up slowly. Learn from your mistakes and see what changes are needed to prevent a next time. And warm up, always. Before todays incident, I went a long time before the last time I had blood come out of my penis. Every session, I always warm up. Result, no injury, I hang fat and I’m happy. Today, I skip warm up, now I’m planning a 2-6 week break. If you’re wondering about the first two times it happened, they both occured when I was performing the same exercise, extremely hard ulis. I have long since disposed of that exercise.