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Broken Blood Vessels

Broken Blood Vessels

I have been PEing on and off for about 2 years now. I keep getting broken blood vessels on the head of my penis and every time I get it I have to take too much time off. I was thinking about just not stopping and waiting to get my goals and then letting it heal. Does anyone know if there is any long term effects of this? Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks

Try not gripping as tight when you jelq! This should help with the red spots! I can’t see it being good for you long term.

I hate broken blood vessels. I’ve had the same trouble as you, thexel13. I forget to take a warm up, I get to aroused and BANG! Two weeks off. And I end up being pissed off… We must try to take it easier, I guess. I use to much pressure…

Are you talking about little red spots that clear up in a day or two, or something else? In any case, the message your unit is sending is “not so hard!” Loosen your grip and jelq more gently. Learn to listen to your unit.

I think it’s called trombose, or something - the things I’ve got. It’s a vain with a hole - and blood makes a little ball the first hours, before it turns into a more normale bruse…

Any way - I have done 3 sessions now, with out breaking!

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