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Broken Penis Suspensory ligament and repair


HI Westell1,
I have read your thread, some things are similar, the testicle pain after the incident and the general pain but I did not have split streaming. Loss of morning wood, yes this is what I had and still do. Yes it is a bad situation, but I damaged only the suspensory ligament thank God.
It is difficult to know what advice to give but do see specialists, what ever the cost, my pain has cost me more than money. When you see the specialists be confident explain in detail what happened, say a girl did it or something. It effects results you get in exams, carrer choices, sports you feel like doing, girls you date everything. It is all to do with sleep deprivation.

As for erections after my incident I could get erections and urinating was the same. The erections were never the same as before the incident. Before maybe 6 daytime erections , now and after the incident hardly ever.

Given the choice back then, pain was driving me mad, was the testicle pain causing pain in the penis? Given the choice back then if it came to losing a testicle and no pain. I would have gladly had a testicle removed.
It is a difficult situation with no easy answers , good luck and keep me informed. Diesel.

Do you know what procedure you can do to actually see if damage is done to the penis? I need something like this done but it seems urologists don’t care at all.

Hi Guys,
A little bit of up to date information on my penis ligament pain situation. There is a couple of penis accident threads at the moment, so it got me thinking a bit more about my own penis pain. I am not sure if someone can advise me but if so it would be appreciated. The pain is still with me 24 hours a day and it is preventing me from living an acceptable life. Work, relationships, are quite difficult.

I remembered that the penis pain was ok for about a week back in spring 2001 something had began to repair and life was great once again. This is the interesting bit. When lifting some furniture around, I felt something give as in break. It was not that heavy. So I am wondering if when I damaged my penis suspensory ligament, did I damage to something lower in the groin. Something muscular. What is the muscle below the penis and is it used when general lifting? I will keep this post short and to the point, feel free to ask questions. If anyone can offer a suggestion that would be helpful. Diesel.

Always be cool.

Now BPEL 7.75 EG 5.80 Goals for 2013 improved E Quality + BPEL 8.25 6.0 EG Long term goals, 8.75

Smoke some weed, bro. Seriously. If I were you I’d get stoned every day. Unless it’ll fuck with your job and stuff.

Smoke some weed and play PS3, read a book, take a walk, get a dog and train him up. One thing it’ll do FOR SURE is help you sleep better.

These days I think I DO have a pretty big dick

|| Currently NBPEL 7x5 || Long Term Goal 7.5x5.75 || Target Date for long term goal = December 2010 ||

Don't over train!! Less is more!! Drink water!! Eat right!! Be consistent!! Think Positive!! Size is the least important factor in sex!

Ok how the hell are you guys getting these injuries, reading about them scares me to death and makes me want to quit PE. I have pulled on my penis with both hands with all my might on numerous occasions I used to do it to freak my girl friend out, now I am afraid.

The forum seems to be turning into a place of injuries and negative results…

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Ok how the hell are you guys getting these injuries, reading about them scares me to death and makes me want to quit PE. I have pulled on my penis with both hands with all my might on numerous occasions I used to do it to freak my girl friend out, now I am afraid.

The forum seems to be turning into a place of injuries and negative results…

Yes be in no doubt PE can be a dangerous hobby if done incorrectly. My accident was within the first 5 minutes of my PE career. I grabbed it and just pulled it very hard and it damaged something real bad. And I am still paying the price for it.

Always be cool.

Now BPEL 7.75 EG 5.80 Goals for 2013 improved E Quality + BPEL 8.25 6.0 EG Long term goals, 8.75

And it seemed logical to you at that point that pulling your dick as hard as you can will enlarge it in a healthy way? If it were that easy, everyone would be walking around with 10” dicks.

Diesel, I’m sorry to hear about your pain bro. I know MRI’s are expensive, but maybe they’ll find something.

Thanks for your concern Mr Schlong. Yes I will have to get an MRI arranged before long. This is a tough month January, lots of bills and tax’s to be paid. When I get the MRI done at least I will know if it picks anything abnormal up.

Always be cool.

Now BPEL 7.75 EG 5.80 Goals for 2013 improved E Quality + BPEL 8.25 6.0 EG Long term goals, 8.75

Best of luck to you you and hope all goes well.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

Best of luck to you you and hope all goes well.

Thanks for the support.

Always be cool.

Now BPEL 7.75 EG 5.80 Goals for 2013 improved E Quality + BPEL 8.25 6.0 EG Long term goals, 8.75

Hello, I’ve had mine verified to be a lig tear as well via a very basic test where the doctor palpates the pubic symphysis and space between the penis and that area. IF there is a gap this is a highly typical indicator. Some doctors in America will repair or attempt to, but most do not have high success results if you are able to locate the patients and the research articles. Dr David Ralph in London is supposedly the best, and I am currently saving up money to take a shot at my own repair, as I too lost natural erections, though pentox has helped reverse some of the scarring. There is still quite a gap on the right side, and erections are very difficult to achieve even with stimulation. I basically have to work towards nearing orgasm, and use the bulbo-whateverthefuck reflex to get my penis fully erect, and then ride that out for as long as possible. I miss long sex sessions, and just being able to harden from a daydream. Most people don’t recover their function unless they also work on reversing the fibrosis and other forms of damage.

In America, it is not believed that the suspensory ligament has any impact on erectile function, but Europe and other countries have done multiple studies like this and are more savvy about the benefits of PROPER PSL repair. It is about 4 grand to get the repair in London with David Ralph, I don’t know the details on plane tickets or anything yet, but I’ve seen the lowest at 742, can’t remember the website. It’ll take me about 4 or 5 months to pull this off, but of course I will update with results. That will also give the pentox time to prime me up for a good surgery. We can get through this, we just have to share our symptoms and communicate when we find a doctor or treatment that works. It’ll be ok :-) Some of these guys had PSL issues for a few years.

https://onlinel … 0X.2007.06551.x

What did your MRI show?


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