Can lymph vessels move around like veins?
Today after jelqing and an hour of extending i noticed this hard vein/vessel on my penis. I can honestly not remember if it has been there before, but I guess not, otherwise why would i notice it just now.
I dont have any pain at all. I tried massaging it the way its described in the “Thombosed Vein vs Clogged Lymph Vessels ” thread but nothing seems to change.
This vessel goes around and next to the main vein (that goes from the base to the glans, top right) and when i grab my glans, and rotate my penis left to right, this vessel moves around the main vein. Can lymph vessels do that too or does it mean its a vein?
It is colorless I can only see it a bit, but mainly i just feel it.
Im not sure if this is normal and I am just over reacting a bit, but Im still gonna take a few days off just in case.