Continue with PE despite thrombosed vein
I was PEing for about 4 months when I developed a dark purple lump about the size of a large pimple on the middle of my shaft. I freaked out and automatically looked up penis cancer.. Should have just gone to thunders place first. Anyways, I learned it was a thrombosed vein (apparently they can be round like a mole or pimple), and stopped my routine for at least a month. 2 days ago I restarted because it had almost completely gone away (no lump, and just a slight discoloration). Now after the second day I notice that it is dark purple again, but no lump. I am wondering what will happen if I continue. I am too the point where I am willing to have a permanent purple spot on my dick. I suppose I would probably stop if it actually formed a lump again. Any suggestions or reasons I should stop? I just feel like it will come back even if I wait 3 months.