Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Copped football in the junk today

Copped football in the junk today

Wore it badly today. It hit right on the tip and mashed it straight back into my body. I’m not sure if it will bruise yet, but it’s sore.

Should I take a break from PE until the pain goes away? I’m all manual exercises at the moment (strethches, jelqs, kegels).


Start: BPFSL/BPEL/MSEG: 158mm/143mm/109mm (6.2"/5.6"/4.3") (end Sep '10)

Now: BPFSL/BPEL/MSEG: 160mm/150mm/112mm (6.3"/5.9"/4.4") (end Oct '10)

GOAL: BPFSL/BPEL/MSEG: 190mm/190mm/130mm (7.5"/7.5"/5.1")

Don’t quit your day job in pursuit of a football career.



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