Thunder's Place

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Don't know whats wrong - need help

Don't know whats wrong - need help

So the issue is bothering me know for over 2 months and I really don’t know what happened it all started with a simple breakup due to long-distance - at that time I was masturbating kinda more often maybe for relieving myself.

Then during a longer masturbating session (maybe an hour or longer - can’t remember anymore) I felt a shocking pain in pelvic floor (don’t know the exact right muscle names - I belief it was on the right side) - I quickly came afterwards. After that day my penis wasn’t the same anymore I noticed I had I huge flaccid and more veins showing, my pelvic floor would spasm sometimes, my EQ was lower, loss of sensation, reduced penis length (like from 16,5cm to 15,5cm - I’m from Germany so don’t really know the inches :D ) and a little reduced girth. My libido was very low and achieving an erection felt different then usually like stiffer (can’t describe it to well). Than after masturbating a week later with this condition - the large flaccid disappeared and I’ve had a short (even shorter than it used to be - I’ve always been a grower) and a more firm flaccid then usually (maybe mild hard flaccid) since then I only masturbated maybe once a week and the condition isn’t changing at all.

I’ve done blood work a it showed that my t levels were at 440 (I’m 21 by the way and quite fit) - which I found to be quite low maybe due stress and the emotional things I was going through (still do) - I’m also fairly sure that my testicles lost some size (the left one more then the right) (could explain low t levels), my armpit hair grows slower and my beard grows slower too and feels different then it used to. By the way I feel no pain but its bothering me quite a lot as you can imagine.

I really don’t know whats wrong? Did I pull a muscle? Pinched a nerve? Tear something? But if I’d only pull a muscle why is it not improving even after 2 months? Why the change from huge flaccid to a shrunken and more firm one?

Is it even possible to get my normal penis back? I just wanted to be like it used to :(

I really appreciate all help - thanks for replying

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Pelvic floor muscles may be exhausted.

Stop masturbating for a while, relax and see what happens.

You may wanna check your prostate or your bladder for an infection. A simple blood test will show if you have an infection.

Also, do not kegel at all.

My guess is exhausted or cramped pelvic floor muscles.

If you don’t see any improvement in one month, visit a doctor.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Thank you for replying :) anyone Else expirienced something similar?

Is this condtion something to worry about?

Yes many have had that. You must rest for a long time. And dont you ever masturbate for that long. Rest for 2 months. No evacuation. After that start a very light kegel/ RK routine.

Could anyone Tell me what exactly or likely Happened to me? Did I tear something?


You probabaly cramped badly the PC muscles.

Just rest for starters and if in a month you are not feeling better, we will talk again.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

I’m suffering from the same thing as well . I’m still stuck in the large flaccid part . I have all the same symtomps . I’m still having sex . It sucks but what can you do . There’s a thread on Pegym. Com for users all suffering from the same thing . Did your penis feel detached when it was in large flaccid mode ?

The bigger flaccid and more pronounced veins seems pretty usual for the day after or maybe even a couple of days but after two months of would be abnormal.

Originally Posted by habendaden13
I really don’t know whats wrong? Did I pull a muscle? Pinched a nerve?

The pelvic area is fairly complex but if you pinched a nerve you would feel it, possibly as referred pain. Certainly muscle spasms can be a consequent effect of a pinched nerve in other areas of the body but the driving issue is inflammation. You don’t talk of spasms beyond that initial time but have you tried ibuprofen? It’s a good anti-inflammatory and if it led to an easing of your symptoms, you might be able to go to a doctor with more information, even if it’s just that ibuprofen did nothing.

As you’ve had blood work done, you’ve been to a doctor but not seen a resolution. You need to consider returning to your doctor. Doctors aren’t generally psychic and so when you don’t see a resolution, you have to return and report that in the hope that the potential diagnoses can be whittled down.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I really don’t now how my penis felt after the incident - I had no pain thats what I know. The veins are still there and my flaccid is still firmer then usually. I’m still able to get erections. The symptoms remained the same. I’m guessing my muscles are to tight or exhausted - I do have spasms sometimes. Never thought about inflammation - I mean all I did was masturbate ( I always had the feeling that my muscle were to tight - I had pre ej sometimes - and my muscle were kegeling, I belief when masturbating) if its an inflammation how do I treat it and how do I even know it is one? About the testicles I don’t even know my thoughts were maybe due to pressure and tightness there is less circulation therefore my t levels droped - but it just a guess.

I agree with Mem, as usual.

I would only like to say that I would wait for a while to see what will happen. No PE, no kegeling, no sex. Tell your girl you may have pulled something during sex. She will understand.

I would get some vitamin c for dealing with a possible inflammation and if things remained the same, I would visit a few doctors. I would give 20 days to a month.

Just sayin.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Well, you’re the 2nd or 3rd case of someone with large and overextended flaccid turning into hard flaccid :/ like I said , I’m stuck in large flaccid mode . I gave no idea if this is all pelvic floor related too , well, keep us all updated man .

So abstaining is kinda hard but I’m trying. I have a few questions maybe someone could answer: is it possible that tight muscles restrict bloodflow therefore reducing t levels? Causing Symptoms like that my beard grows slower? I know no one here is a urologist but maybe some of you heard similar cases. (I read some posts from Obito - someone who had hard flaccid and cured it through Physical Therapy etc. ) By the way my flaccid changes sizes like I don’t know in a bath = hugh standing: small and firm - I’m guessing has it has to something to do with the pelvic floor and circulation. How would I notice if there is nerve damage? Through pain? I just don’t get how can something change so drastically yet cause no pain. Thanks for replaying and its hard not to freak out :/

Originally Posted by habendaden13
So abstaining is kinda hard but I’m trying. I have a few questions maybe someone could answer: is it possible that tight muscles restrict bloodflow therefore reducing t levels? Causing Symptoms like that my beard grows slower? I know no one here is a urologist but maybe some of you heard similar cases. (I read some posts from Obito - someone who had hard flaccid and cured it through Physical Therapy etc. ) By the way my flaccid changes sizes like I don’t know in a bath = hugh standing: small and firm - I’m guessing has it has to something to do with the pelvic floor and circulation. How would I notice if there is nerve damage? Through pain? I just don’t get how can something change so drastically yet cause no pain. Thanks for replaying and its hard not to freak out :/

Well, I don’t know about the other things but if your penis is erected and it still feels numb, then you have nerve damage . I remember I user with hard flaccid who’s penis was numb when flaccid but he would regain all sensation once he would achieve an erection . All you can do is hope it heals bro . The nerve damage at least .

Without being an expert I don’t see any straight corelation between cramped PC muscles and testosterone.

But I can say that a bad state of mind or anxiety may drop testo. Again, no scientific proof to provide, just my opinion from real life observations.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.


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