Down for an Injury.
Approx three weeks ago I did what could best be described as an aggressive dry-jelq routine while taking a shower, after which went out and did more then a little walking… End result was that I evidenty chaffed the skin on the top part of my dick, perhaps an inch below the shaft approx at midshaft.. Like an idiot I continued to do my routine thinking that the various creams were keeping things going in the right direction. I woke up and realized that my dick was so sore (burning feeling) and red in that area that I was walking funny—- funny how one justifies pain when they are hooked on PE!
I havn’t touched my trout since last Thursday and while it does feel much better it is still sore and the redness is being replaced by what looks to be dry skin that is starting to itch like fucking hell and slightly flake. No manuals or pumping for me until I’m back to fighting shape but as this fucker heals it appears to really itch—oh, and I’m back to wearing underwear until I fully heal. If anyone has any information on something that will speed my recovery I’m more then happy to listen..