Embarking on (possibly) the hardest thing of my life
Guys, this sounds impossible.
I’m five months deep into recovery from my nerve injury with the PJ. Things are still progressing on the right track with the left side, while the right side still has zero sensation.
So far up to now, when sexually inactive fora day or two or three, sensation seems to be perfectly fine, in the shaft. The only problem is that whenever anything sexual goes on, the sensation dissappears.
i.e. after very long sex with my girlfriend twice on monday, I couldn’t feel my buddy.
This really bugs me and I guess sexual situations are the downfall of my progress. So for the next FIVE months i’m going to try to go cold-turkey in college.
No sex, masturbation, whatsoever.
I must be going crazy.
Wish me luck boys, we’ll see how long this lasts.
p.s. would anyone have any idea why the sexual contact kills any feeling?
p.p.s I’d advise anyone with a pj to avoid stretching with it.