Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Got one pimple on my shaft, went away. Then a 2nd, and now a 3rd. Please help.

Got one pimple on my shaft, went away. Then a 2nd, and now a 3rd. Please help.

Hey guys, I haven’t been able to do any PE related activity for 2 weeks now because of pimples on my shaft. First I got one on my shaft which I figured I got from pumping, I probably didn’t properly wash off the lube one day and so a pimple formed.

Now, as that one healed up, I got a 2nd one. Frustrating, but I can deal. Now as the 2nd one is healing up, I have a 3rd one forming! What is going on?? I’ve been using a heat pad every day to try and lessen the swelling, is that perhaps having a counter-productive effect? Besides that, I’ve made sure to keep everything clean and I’ve been applying neosporin every day, but I know once this 2nd one is healed up the 3rd one is gonna have developed even further.

So frustrating! Just looking for any advice as what to do. I know these are pimples as I’ve gotten them before in the past, but never 3 in a row like this.

Dick pimples? I got nothin.

Do you shave the shaft?

I’ve had those myself. I quit shaving and just trim now.

No, I only trim as well and I haven’t use any lube whatsoever since getting the first one. Maybe I’m just getting unlucky with a bad outbreak, but this is seriously out of the ordinary. I mean, who gets 3 pimple outbreaks on their dick? It’s so frustrating.

Don’t use the heat until it clears up. If you put heat on a pimple, the bacteria inside multiply and it gets worse. You would use head on a pimple if you want to loosen the pore to squeeze out the pus, but that sounds pretty painful when its on your dick. It could be that the bacteria are on your skin when one is clearing up, the heat opens the pores, they get inside and start a new pimple.

Figured it might have something to do with the heat pad. So now I’ll lay off the heat and just keep it clean until everything clears up. Thanks!

Get some original Listerine and swab it on your unit. Should clear them up right away.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

This happened to me too and in the past it’s from pumping now I wash with soap in the shower after every pump session and I just got a new one at the base of my shaft the other day it’s an ingrown hair and a long time ago it got so bad I actually stopped pumping for liek half a year because when I poped it I waited a week and it turned black under the skin even thoguh it apperaed to be gone so I started again and havent had any problems now I just got a teny tiny one at base I’m not popping it and finnishing my this week and then next week I’m going back to jelq forget pumping it suck only tempory gains and their not worth all the drama they bring so after this last pump- session tommorow for only 20 minutes I’m going back to good old jelq started them when I was 13 or so I’m 23 now been doing them on and off forever thats where I got all my size from jelqing it’s not glamiouious liek pumping but gets the job done resenlty I’ve been doing pumping with kegels 5 hurs after I usta be a 2 pump chump I last up to 20 mins I just am hoping that I can imploy them into my jelq’s the same way with the same results hopefully this last ocd pump session dosent break the bank ya know oh well we’ll see right


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