hard when jelqing
I don’t have the clout to post in the injury forum so here goes:
I’ve noticed that when I jelq regardless of erection level that my penis stays in this tough or turgid state while my erection subsides. if I massage for it a second then it becomes more pliable, but then soon thereafter it becomes turgid again. It’s nearly impossible to get that great expansion I here about. And, yes I do warm up.
Also my bpfsl is about and inch less than my bpel. If I warm up (not only with heat but with gentle massaging) then my penis becomes more pliable and stretchy, but not to the point where it exceeds my erect length.
When flaccid my penis tends to be firm and a little lumpy on the left side of the shaft, but the weird soft lump goes away with about 3 seconds of stimulation.
At the same time my EQ is pretty good. I can get about a 60% erection with visual stimulation then have to manually get it up to 100% (great erections while standing as well).
I’ve been posting quite a lot over the last couple of days about this same thing, but with different questions. At first I just though I had a “TOUGH” tunica that needed to be stretched out, but now I’m starting to get scared I might have unknowingly injured myself.
P.S. My flaccid returns to a more pliable state whilst laying down or sitting in an upright position.
I apologize for the many threads on this tunica subject, but I just want to get some answers.
Thanks fellas,
Last edited by donpatch84 : 12-19-2008 at .