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Hello, I think I have a suspensory ligament injury

Hello, I think I have a suspensory ligament injury

Hi I’m 20 and have a BPEL-6.5in and EG-5.2in

About 2-3 weeks ago I sustained an injury in which my penis turned to a floppy mess after I did a kegel, held it as long as possible and carried on pulling fairly hard on the glans even when the kegel had finished. I think it is a suspensory ligament injury. My penis improved about a week ago when I started getting erections again. But it feels like my penis is just hanging from the base, I struggle getting and sustaining a full erection and to sustain it it feels like I have to kegel to keep it up.

Has anybody else ever done anything like this and if so how did you sort it out and how long did it take.

Any replies would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

Can anyone help? What should I do?

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Best advice is to go see a doctor. And take it easy if/when you start back at PE. Maybe do a little reading while you are recovering.

I’ve been and seen a doctor today mate, but they didn’t seem as if they knew a lot about it. She did say leave it for a few weeks and it should heal up eventually, but am very worried still as you can imagine
Have you ever read anybody doing this before and are you sure I will recover ? Thanks

No, I am not sure you will recover. If the doc said to leave your dick alone for a few weeks and it will be back to normal, it probably will. Check the Injury forum for other guys that have posted about ligament problems.

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Are you in pain?

I can’t understand what you did: you were just Kegel’ing or you were doing Kegel and stretching at the same time?

I am in no pain at all and I was kegeling while pulling on my penis, and carried on pulling when the kegel stopped.

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