Thunder's Place

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I have a Thrombosed Vein!

I have a Thrombosed Vein!

This is such a bummer, the other day I felt the bottom of my penis and felt a hard vein which runs from underneath the glans all the way to the bottom of my penis, its slightly painful, but only when I touch it.

I’ve read lots of posts on thrombosed veins and iv decided that im going to take some time off and do a warm wrap everyday then massage my penis.

My only concern is, is that im worried about losing my gains, I’ve never actually known how long it takes for someone to lose their gains once they have stopped PEing.

I am desperate to keep my gains because i would hate to go back to 5 inches again, its just embaressing.


It would be fairly unusual for a thrombosis to run the length of your dick. The indicator of a thrombosis would be a hardness to the vein. Thrombosis is when a clot forms within the vein and, if you’ve ever had a scab, you will know that clotted blood is pretty hard (that’s kind of the point, it’s trying to seal a breach even if there isn’t one). Internally a clot might be less hard than external clotting but it should still be fairly obvious, maybe even granular in nature.

Either way if you have pain your best bet is to follow your plan, warm wraps and rest. A week off will not be detrimental to your gains in the long run.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Oh right thanks a lot for that memento, thats strange then i wonder what it is? I’ve read in a couple of other threads about people who have had my same problem, I will take the week off anyway, thanks again

Might be the urethra. If that doesn’t make sense then look through some penis anatomy pics and see if you can locate what you are feeling.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Oh yes I think thats it actually, I’ve just had a look at a couple of pictures and it pretty much matches to where my pain is. Iwill just take the week off or maybe a couple of weeks and if the pain still hasnt subsided then maybe i should see a doctor…damn

If you are crushing the urethra when you PE that can cause pain. There’s also the chance of an infection but you may notice discharge or pain when you piss.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Yeah I have to admit I think i do use too much force when I dry jelq sometimes, i’ll defonately start being more gentle. I might have an infection brewing up but hopefully that won’t happen since I’m not noticing any pain or discharge yet. Thanks a lot for all the help Memento :)

…I hope I don’t end up like Tom Hanks in Green Mile

Thankfully I cannot share that image with you because I avoid Tom Hanks movies if at all possible.

Pressure mostly from the sides is always a good plan.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

lol oh right, he had a urethra problem and found it incredibaly painfull to piss.

Yeah thats a good idea but the thing is is that I use the c-grip, because i’m quite small to be honest so its the most convinient grip for me, so the pressure mostly goes on the bottom and top but at the same time I try to put pressure on the sides. I suppose I could try using the c-grip so its gripping both sides instead of the bottom and top, but I can imagine that being a bit arquard

When I started PE a while back, the same thing happened to me. It went away after a couple of weeks but I was scared for almost a year to start PE again.

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