Thunder's Place

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I injured my Unit...Please look at this pic

I injured my Unit...Please look at this pic

I was just hanging, and the hanger slipped down( I had a good bit of pull on the hanger) and it made this purplish black dot on my unit. What is it? Will it fade? And it hurt like BIT*H!

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Thats just a pinch on your skin, my friend. Don’t panic. You pinched your skin and it bruises. Just like if someone would pinch you really hard on the arm and leave a bruise. That is what it looks like to me.

It doesn’t look like anything serious, you just need to learn how to wrap better, and this will never happen. I hardly have any experience hanging but I read ALOT on it and these seems like a wrapping problem.

Give it some rest now before you do any more work.

I was going to guess a CableClamp pinch. Definitely just a skin bruise. I’ve had worse places on my eyeball;)

What hanger were you using?

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

It’s kind of gone down.

Now it’s just a really nasty looking red spot.

I was using mine own version of the captain’s wrench. I was not paying attention and dropped the weights off, so the opposite pull just pinched it I guess.

Thanks for the replies guys

Am I ok to keep going or should I take a brake for a few days?

I’ve had maybe 15 of those (including right now), some smaller, some much bigger.

They all fade, but do contribute to discoloration.

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
I’ve had maybe 15 of those (including right now), some smaller, some much bigger.
They all fade, but do contribute to discoloration.

So they never fully go away, just fade?

Originally Posted by averagejoe437

So they never fully go away, just fade?

I have discoloration, so I can’t tell.

They seem to fade into the same color as the rest.

Average: In the pic you look pretty fair. These kinds of bruises will show up for a long time on fair skin, but will eventually disappear altogether, that is unless you keep getting them. I’m very dark complected naturally and my dick is about three shades darker than the rest of my body even before I began PE, especially in the summertime because I tan nude. Then add to that all the discoloration I’ve gotten from aggressive PE over the years I have really dark shaft. It is probably covered in these little bruises, but they are not noticeable on the dark skin. Personally I like a dark dick, I just think it looks good, healthier, meaner, more massive, but a lot of guys don’t. If you want a lily white dick without a blemish you should probably take some time off and let any bruises you get completely heal. The only problem with that is you won’t be getting much PE done.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Average: In the pic you look pretty fair. These kinds of bruises will show up for a long time on fair skin, but will eventually disappear altogether, that is unless you keep getting them. I’m very dark complected naturally and my dick is about three shades darker than the rest of my body even before I began PE, especially in the summertime because I tan nude. Then add to that all the discoloration I’ve gotten from aggressive PE over the years I have really dark shaft. It is probably covered in these little bruises, but they are not noticeable on the dark skin. Personally I like a dark dick, I just think it looks good, healthier, meaner, more massive, but a lot of guys don’t. If you want a lily white dick without a blemish you should probably take some time off and let any bruises you get completely heal. The only problem with that is you won’t be getting much PE done.

I don’t really mind discoloration either. I’ve already got the circumcision scar discoloration and that freckle looking dot towards my head, so I don’t really care anymore, but I don’t want a spotted dick:)

You call that an injury? I’ve had my whole dick 15 shades of black and purple darker than that little dot. Don’t worry.

P.S. I don’t recommend trying to make your whole dick 15 shades of black and purple.

Horny Bastard

When I first got a Bib hanger, I was tightening and didn’t have the wing-nuts opened enough. Which led to a spot, not only like yours, but I also broke the skin and drew a bit of blood.

I also had some really bad discoloration from when I briefly experimented with pumping.

All has since returned to normal. So, things should be fine in your case. Though with the pinch from hanging, the pinched spot was sore for maybe a day or so because of the severity of the pinch. But that isn’t unexpected. that would have been the same if I had pinched myself that hard anywhere else (though penile skin is very thin, so maybe not quite as much).

Good to hear fellas! I guess I was getting really worried for nothing. I must be lucky to have this as my only injury so far.


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