How to not be depressed:
1. Αlways speak your mind.
2. Never give a shit what others think about you. Even your mama.
3. Never try to fullfill other peoples’ expectations. Do only what is necessary. No more.
4. Exercise and eat clean, not healthy, just clean.
5. Sleep.
6. Never think about problems as a possibility of things to come. Let the problem happen and deal with it when it happens, if it happens. Dont’t try to think solutions to no existant issues, before they even exist.
7.Go out for a drink at least twice a week.
8. Use money. Don’t let money use you or define you.
9.Always fuck beautiful women. Pay if you have to. As long as she is beautiful…
10. Never care much about what women say or do. Women don’t remember what they said 2 minutes ago and if they do, they change it if they see that it is not for their benefit. They always change mind. Don’t take them seriously. Just give a minimum respect to them. Makes them feel good and makes you a better man.
Now…10 is a nice round number, isn’t it? :-)
BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5
I have reached my goal. At least for now.