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Injury.couldn't post in proper forum

Injury.couldn't post in proper forum

Hey guys,
I’m relatively new to PE but have been doing it on and off for a few years. Anyways, I was stupid and overworked myself during jelqs, and I must have pulled something. I felt a pain run from the top of my penis to my belly button during PE, and I stopped. It felt like it was inside my penis, not on the surface. It was throbbing and sharp, so I rested, took it easy, no sex or masturbation for about five days. It seemed to calm down, but lately, I’ve been noticing a pain in the deep base of my penis ligaments, like under my testicles on the ligaments. This has been on and off for about two months.when I masturbate, the pain comes back a few days later. I’m concerned because I expected that it would heal by now. The pain has also been negatively affected the volume and intensity of my erections.

Should I see a doctor about this?

If there are any admins reading this, could you forward this to the injury forum? I tried to post there but I don’t have posting privileges there.



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